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Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Nicholas Valentine abusing, using victims & abusing fellow members in the anti pit bull activist group, "Dangerous Dogs".....

Nicholas Valentine when he's not busy chasing foxes around the country side with a 100 hounds trying to kill the poor little buggers he's in his hate group "Dangerous Dogs" where him and his hater mates ridicule and berate both pit bulls and their owners.....

The post Nicholas shared to the hate group for ridicule and allegedly attempting to support his claims that man biters were never culled from breeding when in reality all it proves is that particular dog was not trained properly and has an irresponsible owner as opposed to being indicative of the breed over all.....

Link to Nicholas's post.....

Link to video featured in post.... ABTPITULL/videos

Jordan Eskew tries to explain to Nicholas that the dog is being hyped up intentionally by it's handler  which seems to be an accurate depiction of what's happening on the video.....

Nicholas Valentine sarcastically rebuffs Jordan's claims and insults his/her intelligence......

Jordan Eskew then reiterates what was actually said and his/her meaning which seems to tally with what is on the video......

Sj Martin then jumps into the conversation claiming that it's a myth that dog fighters culled man biters claiming that handlers were bitten all the time, typically Sj posts no link to back up her claims and an extensive internet search revealed no such instances of dog handlers being attacked or bitten at contests.....

Jordan Eskew states quite rightly that anything with a mouth can bite and Nicholas Valentine then responds asking if pit bulls can be human aggressive and Jordan responds saying of course they can however there's not one recorded death involving an actual fully papered legitimate American Pit Bull Terrier on record.....

Nicholas Valentine then accuses Jordan of being involved with an organization that adopted out a dog that attacked it's new owner and I'm assuming that he's talking about "Blue" and what he's not mentioning is that the new owner removed a shock collar which was being used to control that dog only minutes prior to the attack & typically "Blue" was a pit bull mix and not an APBT.

Jordan Eskew then explains to Nicholas that he/she was employed at the organization prior to the tragic incident and played no part in the tragedy.....

Nicholas Valentine then attacks Jordan claiming that Jordan was responsible for dogs being chewed up and dogs being confined to crates for long periods without even one bit of proof or evidence supporting his attack.....

Jordan Eskew responds quite reasonably considering Nicholas is attacking him/her and obviously lying.....

Jordan Eskew then explains that he/she worked in the "stable" area but would on occasion render assistance to the area responsible for housing the dogs and as you can see Jordan is remaining relatively calm in light of Nicholas's probing questions.....

Nicholas Valentine again passive aggressively attacks Jordan with more questions taking the form of allegations and Jordan calmly responds.......

Nicholas Valentine then claims that only "game dogs" actually kill other animals and people whereas the reality is at least 25 breeds of dogs have been involved in 238 fatal human attacks in the last 20 years so Jordan is right please follow the link for confirmation.....

Myra Johnson then states again quite rightly that all dog breeds have bad examples.....

Nicholas Valentine continues to verbally scrutinize Jordan's assertions and actually questions his/her knowledge of the subjects being discussed whereas it's obviously Nicholas being driven by emotion and hate and little else....

Bumbles Jasper Luca (Luca Cat) puts in his 2 cents worth.....

Myra Johnson then states the obvious showing she has a reasonable grasp on reality....

Nicholas Valentine seems to be getting a little angry and just repeats his previous statements adding some more crazy logic to the mix and accuses Myra of being ignorant in spite of his obvious bias and ignorance.....

Jordan Eskew then calls Nicholas out for his constant rants with little or no proof or evidence to back his ramblings.....

Myra Johnson then suggests that her Mastiff would easily be able to overwhelm a human in an attack and remarks that her pit bull is not aggressive.....

Nicholas Valentine then tries to back peddle about his claims about Bull Mastiffs claiming they're killers too but only because they're related to Old English Bulldog's which is complete nonsense as all of the legitimate dog bite studies confirm breed is not an issue in dog bite related fatalities......

Jordan Eskew is still waiting for proof & I doubt very much whether Nicholas has any proof.....

Myra Johnson then taunts Nicholas for a response to her question in relation to other breeds of dogs.....

Nicholas Valentine completely changes the subject to rescues avoiding answering Myra's question which is a legitimate inquiry.....

Jordan Eskew then bids Nicholas good night obviously getting frustrated with Nicholas obtuse behavior and rude remarks......

Nicholas Valentine seemingly answers Myra's question then quotes one of the anti pit bull activists favorite catch cries "pits kill more then all the other breeds combined" claiming there's 300 breeds that have never killed anyone once again failing to drop a link or anything even resembling proof to support his claims.

He then taunts Myra as a last resort to actually sounding or seeming like he's winning this exchange of words by just going round and round in circles spouting the same propaganda without a shred of proof.....

Myra Johnson calls him out on his backflip in relation to other breeds killing people and even posts a screenshot of his previous comment further up the thread obviously getting frustrated with Nicholas's antics.....

Nicholas Valentine again changes the subject completely refusing to acknowledge his backflip and subsequent rants and ramblings.....

Myra Johnson & Jordan Eskew both then call Nicholas out for his run around school boy antics with name calling allegations and insults but not one shred of evidence.....

Nicholas Valentine then tries to salvage some sort of semblance of credibility by further attacking Myra's credibility and equally attacks Jordan claiming they're responsible for the problem and this is typical behavior from anti pit bull activists but you don't usually see it among them in their own groups like this.....

Jordan Eskew then straight up calls Nicholas out accusing him of having no proof to back him up basically Jordan thinks Nicholas is suspect and he's right on the money as you can see & Myra Johnson quotes 2 fatalities involving non pit bull type dogs last year.....

NicholasValentine then as a last resort claims to have investigated and researched it "a long time ago" but doesn't have time now to "trawl" looking for them now and then tries to deflect from himself and change the subject back to pit bulls being killed in shelters and off topic from the subject of this post typically.....

Nicholas Valentine then goes on the attack demanding that Myra prove that a "lab" has attacked and killed a human as you'd remember he claims it has never happened in fact he now claims to have researched it but once again has no links or proof.....

He finishes by making further claims in relation to pit bull attacks and once again fails to post any supporting proof or evidence indicating he's just making stuff up as Jordan previously suggested.....

Jordan Eskew is straight on to Nicholas's comment about his research being done a long time ago and is spot on with his summation of the situation....

Nicholas Valentine then retorts again changing the subject away from his research from long ago being outdated and not really being relevant......

Jordan Eskew responds sarcastically inquiring who
Nicholas thinks he's helping by spouting antiquated facts putting Nicholas in his place by posting a link to a fatality involving a "lab" in support of Myra's statement that labs had indeed killed humans.....

Nicholas Valentine then changes the subject again back on topic and too game dogs he obviously thinks he's winning the debate on that topic indicating he's obviously delusional or drunk....

Jordan Eskew responds posting a screenshot of a list of game dog breeds demonstrating what actual proof looks like.....

Nicholas Valentine obviously realizing that line of attack was fruitless then changes the subject again this time back to the labs and questioning the legitimacy of Jordan's link to a lab attack because there was no picture of the dog obviously he suffers from a little cognitive dissonance, sufferers are unable to acknowledge anything that contradicts their core beliefs on any given subject in this case it's pit bulls for Nicholas.....

Jordan Eskew then drops a link to another lab attack and questions Nicholas's reasoning in relation to the first link he dropped....

Nicholas Valentine then changes the subject back to "gameness" again this time questioning the post Jordan has done in response to his inquiry previously....

Nicholas Valentine then demonstrates the depth of his mental issues totally ignoring or discounting the posts by Jordan and Myra in relation to lab attacks claiming they couldn't find any in spite of the fact they dropped links to at last two then Nicholas attacks both individuals again accusing them of being ignorant and he actually accuses Jordan of being a liar.....

Jordan Eskew then replies bidding Nicholas good night obviously realizing it was fruitless to try and take the conversation any further and Nicholas responds insulting Jordan one last time for good measure.....

Craig Brown then comments totally off topic seemingly either lost or drunk or maybe even both.....

Carol Ashley  then posts stating that Chi's and Pits are the 2 most common dogs in shelters which is pretty accurate in most states of America.....

Nicholas Valentine then further baits both Jordan and Myra claiming they've been indoctrinated by the propaganda spewed by the mythical pit bull lobby and then he claims they are actually responsible for people and pets getting killed, he's obviously getting frustrated at being shot down in flames each time he's had a rant.....

Nicholas Valentine then continues to taunt Jordan claiming the post above by Carol supports his argument whereas the post doesn't support his claim he claims that pit bulls are the number one shelter dog whereas Carol says Chi's and Pits actually shared that award and she never mentioned death rates for either breed.....

Jordan Eskew then lays a smack down on Nicholas calling a spade a spade any normal person having been found out like this would skulk off with their tail between their legs at this point but not Nicholas....

Nicholas Valentine instead  claims the his research was only last year and then he goes on the attack once again with a mindless rant changing the subject twice in one comment......

Laina Prady then joins the Frey in defense of Jordan and given the first few words of her comment I'd say Nicholas has been a bit of an issue already within the group remembering all these people are supposed to be on the same side......

And the younger members seem to be realizing that lies and propaganda do not help anyone as to be caught out lying will sink a social media campaign over night.....

Nicholas Valentine then responds to the latest comment glossing over his glaring inaccuracies and claiming that he'd won the exchange he's obviously hoping this latest group member doesn't have time to read the whole thread.....

Nicholas Valentine then again goes on the defense back flipping again saying that he never said only pit bulls bite when clearly he did then he loses it and starts calling his opposition names telling even more lies and just making himself look more & more like a pompous arrogant ignorant bully.....

Stacey Martin gets back on topic exclaiming that this is the one time she'd say good doggie and Nicholas continues to lie as anyone watching the video can see the other handler and the dog in the pit waiting or the contest to begin so Nicholas struggles to tell the truth.....

Von Dunn & Vickie Hoffmann seem to be rejoicing in the fact that the dog finally had enough and attacked people and the true irony is these people claim to be victims advocates whereas I think it's safe to say they're old fashioned haters hiding their contemptuous pit bull extinction campaign behind a noble cause in true psychopath style....

Jennifer Hare, Shayla McLaurin, & English Deb all once again demonstrate the true mentality of this group seemingly celebrating and rejoicing after such a tragic event which most likely cost that dogs it's life and resulted in injuries to who knows how many people.....

Kaylha Armstrong then post a legitimate explanation of "Gameness" in dogs and it's not unique to pit bulls as Jordan so rightly stated......

Lynn Smith one of the group administrators then chimes in once again disputing the non human aggression gene and typically posts no link or even anything remotely resembling proof to back her claims......

Vickie Hoffmann then exclaims the part where the dog jumped the barrier attacking people was "hilarious", victims advocate or sicko?....

Denise Duirway then posts completely off topic with a typical example of what these people use as their bread and butter in their extinction campaign against pit bulls and that's emotive propaganda laden memes.

Denise also tells a story of a pit bull brought to her child's school which she alleges lunged at children but typically once again it's just a story without proof and Denise didn't post any proof or evidence just a meme....

Nicholas Valentine's profile on Facebook and as you can see he has a buttload of hounds and appears to be a fox hunter in jolly old England.....


Nicholas is one of many older anti pit bull activists that aren't quite up to speed with how easy it is to dispel their propaganda with access to the internet and a quick google search.

Nicholas is guilty of getting all of his information from Dogsbite .org I suspect given some of the outrageous numbers he's quoting which are inaccurate to say the least investigations into to their so called statistics have revealed many issue relating to dog breed identification specifically they lie and call mixed breed mutts pit bulls in a vain attempt to justify their pit bull extinction legislation called breed specific legislation.

Here's some examples.....

The coroners listed the cause of this fatality as "undetermined" yet has it listed as a pit bull statistic..... are synonymous for distorting and misrepresenting facts this person who died from a heart attack is listed as a pit bull victim on

Another death attributed to pit bulls whereas that's clearly not the case at all, yes the man was attacked but he recovered from the attack and then died of kidney desease.....

And lastly a pair of dogs that were abandoned by their owners and left to be abused by their carers they were locked in the basement of a nearby abandoned house starved and deprived of water and they snapped and attacked out of desperation and they were both pit bull mixes and the fatality is listed on as a pit bull fatality.....

As you can see claims the dogs came from a loving family home which isn't accurate at all.....

I'd like to share a study done by the University of Texas.....

University of Texas Study: 1966–1980

A study[6] conducted at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School identified 74 fatal dog bites during the period 1966–1980 from news media and medical literature.

Most fatalities were young children, including 23 infants under 1 year old. In most cases, the dog was owned by the victim's family. In only 3 of the incidents was the dog reported to have been provoked by kicking, hitting, or having stones thrown at it. However, several incidents involved a child attempting to pet or hug the dog.[6]

In 6 of the incidents, there was no information available about the kind of dogs involved. In ten fatal attacks, the dogs were only described as "mixed-breed".

Many involved large and powerful molosser breeds: eight Saint Bernards, six Bull terriers, six Great Danes, two Boxers and a Rottweiler. In contrast to the time period covered other studies, the researchers found no fatal attacks attributed to any pit bulls at all.

Spitz and primitive dogs committed a significant minority of the attacks, mostly sled dog breeds (nine Husky breeds and five Malamutes), one Chow Chow and a Basenji.

Fatal herding and working breed attacks numbered sixteen, twelve German Shepherd attacks, two collie attacks, and two involving a Doberman pinscher.

There were multiple retriever attacks, including three Golden Retrieversand a Labrador, and two attacks by very small breeds: one Dachshund, and one Yorkshire Terrier, which is among the smallest of all dogs.[6]

The majority of studies related to dog bite related fatalities concur that breed plays little to no part in dog bite related fatalities.

Unfortunately there's individuals like Nicholas out their mindlessly promoting lies and disinformation and blaming the problem on everyone else when the reality is his own propaganda has more then likely contributed to the escalated dog bite related death toll in America for the third year in a row.

The only fortunate thing is that Nicholas seems to believe that he who shouts the loudest and longest wins and if one repeats something often enough it will make it true obviously that's not the reality at all and if you're going to get on the internet and start telling lies and spreading disinformation you're going to be exposed pretty quickly just as Nicholas has been by his own group members.....

I have to give Nicholas some credit though as at least he has the courage in his convictions to use his real name whereas many anti pit bull activists hide behind fake names in order to cyber bully and stalk pit bull owners with relative impunity.

Most of the anti pit bull activists seem to demonstrate all the traits of individuals suffering from cognitive dissonance which leaves them completely unable to acknowledge or accept anything that rebukes and/or exposes the nonsensical logic to their claims thus conflicting with their core beliefs.....

All the legitimate victims advocates throughout the world are actually promoting and supporting "The Calgary Model"  which has lowered both the overall dog bite instances and dog bite related fatalities everywhere it's been enacted.....

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