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Thursday, 27 August 2015

J Thomas Beasley- "For everyone who still wants to pick up a copy of my book, I dropped the price as low as Amazon would let me"

Well the haters resident legal expert promoting himself as a dog expert has released a book written to expose the dangers of pitbulls.

By the look of it he's having trouble selling his educational book and has been forced to drop the price by the maximum allowable by Amazon.

Craig Brown featured in this post taken from one of their hate groups, Craig features heavily in blogs exposing the hate and the lack of empathy displayed daily in these groups.

Just check out this example where Craig advises a friend to shoot a neighbors pet......

And check out the subject of the actual blog blaming pitbulls for breaking up her marriage

I have a list of people that all seem to be of the pitbull hating, lying through your arse stalking abusing morons please follow the link.

If you've encountered any of these fools please leave a comment of your particular experience and help educate the public...

I note that the books are published to order so even the publisher thinks it's not going to sell?

For everyone who still wants to pick up a copy of my book, this would be a good week. I dropped the price as low as Amazon would let me - $6.50 for paperback and $2.99 for Kindle version. Pick up a copy for yourself and all your friends and enemies! ‪#‎pitbullweek‬ ‪#‎nationaldogday‬
Licensed attorney, J. Thomas Beasley, engages in a critical and objective analysis of the facts and myths concerning Pit Bull dogs, and explains why breed-specific...

Perhaps Mr Beasley should stick to what he knows and writing educational books on the dangers of pitbulls doesn't seem to be his forte' ???

If you want to see the madness for yourself check out the Facebook group created by Lynne Smith....

#1 We already know all dogs can be dangerous, we don't need you to educate us on this, that's not the issue - the issue is that some dogs are more dangerous more often due to their genetics. Volume of attacks.
#2 How wonderful your dog is up to this point or how wonderful your positive experiences may have been with pit bulls does not erase any of the attacks or issues surrounding them. Your limited personal experiences cannot be substituted for facts that apply to a whole breed/type"

As you'll see these people are not normal and I sincerely advise that unless your facebook profile is locked down and you are secure in your job and home , DO NOT ENGAGE them.

They'll stalk your facebook friends and family and steal your pics meme them and then share them to their petty hate pages (after having blocked you so you can't see what's going on), they'll contact your landlord and try and have you evicted, they'll contact (harrass) your employer and try and endanger your employment.

The fact is these so-called "Public Safety Advocates" are making far more victims on a daily basis then any breed or type of dog ever could and any law that ignores victims deserves to be repealed.

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