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Thursday, 27 August 2015

Jeff Borchardt- "Lol! Me too. Still laughing." (about Cecil being hunted?)

So the DJ claims to be a community safety advocate and yet his non profit org doesn't actually help any victims, they place expensive newspaper ads maligning pitbulls while ignoring victims of non banned breeds because essentially by promoting BSL you're stating you don't care about those victims.

Generally safety advocates care for all things animals included as it's a well establishment fact the majority of serial killers started out torturing small animals and then that moved onto humans.

So what does it say about a personal that makes fun of a situation like the one involving CECIL the lion, this poor animal suffered a slow painful death over a four day period according to initial reports.

Oh and FYI Einstein, the lioness's do the hunting for the pride and while Cecil may have eaten that animals mother it was out of necessity as a part of nature whereas the dentist shooting Cecil was hardly a triumph for mankind?

Not very empathetic are you Jeff?

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