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Sunday, 30 August 2015

"The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" is a hate group that uses facebook as a medium to share their hate and fear mongering?

"The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" is a particularly 

nasty hate group run by the Wisconsin Dj Bogart following the 

the death of his son supposedly as a public safety advocacy 

whereas the group is used to bully and harass individuals and

rescue groups a like.


Here's an example of the type of posts and related comments you'll find at this so-called advocacy group....

Sheena Truesdale, 31, had to get stitches on her arm, shoulder and thigh after she tried to save her neighbor

I don't know about you but I can't see an ounce of compassion for either of the victims, one lost her life and the other lost her arm in what was obviously a horrific incident and see for yourself the complete lack of empathy.

Please be advised do not engage these people they are dangerous, and they will stalk you and try and get you evicted from your house and they'll ring your employer and try and have you fired they are straight out nasty.

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