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Sunday, 30 August 2015

Jeff D Brochardt ; Safety Avocate or Not????

Among the Pro Bsl people you'll find many that advocate for the use in inhumane methods in order to kill pitbulls such as; antifreeze, rat poison or razor blades in sausages, kidnap them and tie them to the front fence of an animal shelter in another county, kidnap them and decapitate burn skin and generally abuse them and throw them back in the owners yard.

There's seems to be a lot of crazy people out there going around saying and doing the most ridiculously naive things and in some cases making dangerously mis-leading statements like the never ending flow from supposed safety advocate our favorite Dj " Jeff D. Borchardt " 

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I'm not really sure how this is supposed to raise awareness of anything other then the fact that he does not like pitbulls and to be honest ,, I'm not sure how it's meant to help victims???

Notice where the Photo was shared from it's one of the Dj's pages link.....


I'm not sure which victim he was trying to help when posting this story but I still don't get the "peanut butter" thing either and that's fine with me

Charlotte Anson, 27, who goes by the name Lottie Lovelace, was handed an eight month prison sentence after her pet Missey scaled her 6ft garden wall in Bootle,...
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Once again check out where the link came from another of the dj's hate pages, he really does hate pitbulls doesn't he another bunch of fanatics....


These people are not public safety advocates and to behave in this manner while seeking donations and then squandering that money on newspaper ads vilifying any particular breed or type of dog under the guise of public safety advocacy is outlandish and reprehensible...

Stick to spinning records Mr Dj because as a safety advocate ?, you're an epic fail and from what I've heard you are an average spinner....

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