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Friday, 2 December 2016

When Pit Bulls are not really Pit Bulls

Once again we have yet another example of the breed specific legislation proponents mislabeling a mixed breed mutt as "pit bull" and then using the tragedy as click bait in their rather cheap and nasty vendetta against pit bulls and their owners.

Poor little Emily was savagely attacked by a dog alleged to have been a pit bull but a quick bit of research reveals once again the dog is not an American Pit bull Terrier.

Source......  The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

17 barks (the link Jeff is sharing) is a particularly trashy propaganda outlet for the pit bull haters as you can see if this story is any indication they do absolutely no research for themselves or they possibly mightn't of run this story but being as they're friends of Jeff I'm guessing they already know but ran the story anyway in true hater style.....

We all bear the costs of pit bull advocacy

"This poor girl, one of many innocents whose lives have been touched by pit bull violence, is a solid argument for the need for change in our laws. It's time to start holding the perpetrators strictly accountable."

Source...... 17 Barks

Below pictured is the alleged "pit bull" involved in the attack on the little girl and straight away this dog doesn't look like a pit bull judging by it's appearance.


Another picture from a different source confirming this was the dog involved in the attack on little Emily pictured in the story and according to this news story the dog was 100 lb and as American Pit Bull Terriers max out at 65 lbs the dog's obviously not a "pit bull".....

The pit bull
The 100-pound pit bull had belonged to Maria McGuinness Ruckle's ex-husband John Carpenter, who could not be reached for comment.
Ruckle said he set strict rules: Frank lived in the in-law suite only. He didn't go into the family house.
"I didn't want the dog," Todd Ruckle said. "I don't like pit bulls."
By Robin Brown, The (Wilmington, Del.) News Journal

Source..... USA Today

An actual American Pit Bull Terrier.....


APBT Breed Standard

Sometime during the nineteenth century, dog fanciers in England, Ireland, and Scotland began to experiment with crosses between Bulldogs and Terriers, looking for a dog that combined the gameness of the terrier with the strength and athleticism of the Bulldog.
Height and Weight                                                          
The American Pit Bull Terrier must be both powerful and agile so actual weight and height are less important than the correct proportion of weight to height. Desirable weight for a mature male in good condition is between 35 and 60 pounds
Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. Viciousness or extreme shyness. Unilateral or bilateral deafness. Bobbed tail. Albinism. Merle.

If you compare the dog involved in the attack with the picture of an actual Apbt it certainly puts a big question mark over the breed identification but to then learn that he was 100 lb , "Frank" was not a "pit bull" but more likely some sort of mixed breed mutt.

An extremely obese pit bull weighing in at 100 lb would be flat out scratching itself let alone attacking and/or sustaining an attack on anything or anyone, I note though that the dog was kept separated from the family at all times and the man of the house says he doesn't like pit bulls and that possibly explains him calling this dog a pit bull and then being taken on his non expert word by these people in true pit bull hater style.

Poor Emily is yet another victim of non pit bull type dogs and the ever growing list seems to be ignored by the Bsl proponents (128 over a decade) as the truly sad fact is if this dog didn't resemble a pit bull Jeff wouldn't even be bothering with this victim and that's the sad fact of the matter.

A victims advocacy that totally ignores 36% of the victims and misrepresents others too isn't really in the interests of the community and most certainly isn't a legitimate advocacy breed neutral legislation is the answer to tackling the issues and problems surrounding dog bite instances & fatalities.

more to come.....

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