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Thursday, 27 July 2017

Christi Himes Celebrates the police shooting an innocent family pet in true pit bull hater style.....

Picture courtesy of Christi's Facebook page.....

Meet Christi Himes she's celebrating this tragic execution of a family pet.....

Christi hates pit bulls and celebrates every time she comes across a story about a pit bull being killed and in this case she shared the post with all her pit bull hating mates over in the anti pit bull lobby group "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" which was created by Jeff Borchardt.

Link to post..... The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

These people represent everything that is wrong in this world today spreading hate and dangerous disinformation while masquerading as a victims advocacy whereas truth be told this is how they treat victims.....

Vonn Dunn is a nasty one regularly posting nasty comments about pit bulls and as you can see he's celebrating the fact that the police shot this poor families pet....

Nathan Barret refers to a police shooting 2 weeks ago in which the officer claimed the dogs were lunging at him whereas the video footage shows the dogs were doing nothing of the sorts and were shot for no reason other than they were there.

Cynthia Neuman is one of the more nasty so called victims advocates and as you can see she has very little compassion for the owners of the "pit bull" shot by police.....

Cynthia created the word "pitophile" and she also likes to bully pit bull owners, rescue's and shelters in her misguided so called victims advocacy.....

Sigdag Gilliam, exclaims that the pictures show the best looking pit bull he's seen then Steven Young chimes in saying the best pit bull is a dead pit bull Cynthia Neuman proclaims that it's a thing of beauty while Von Dunn thinks it's "delightful" & Marc Kenton laughs out loud at this tragic incident that left a family pet dead.

Alec Isaacs does something that the haters seem to do all the time comparing domesticated pets to wild animals in true hater style....

Gary Young claims that cops only shoot pit bulls which is nonsense cops shoot all types and breeds of dogs and in fact recent studies show that cops on average shoot nearly 25 dogs a day in America.

To be honest it's a refreshing change to see these comments from Gary as generally Gary posts about pit bulls and peanut butter he seems to be obsessed with animal sex.

James Hazely is relatively new to the hate scene but as you can see he's catching on quick and seems quite at home in among the hatred being pushed by these people.

Dennis Baker chimes in offering to send the police some more bullets in a comment that is indicative of his so called victims advocacy techniques.

Susan Canterell Jones,  seems to be the only one acting in a reasonable manner in relation to this tragedy Sharon Beth corrects her though claiming this "is one for us" & Victor Anquiz prefers seeing this type of story as opposed to stories involving pit bulls attacking people.

Tarika S Pearson has been spreading hate for many years and leads a chorus of "another one bites the dust" in true hater style.

Elizabeth Guion Salter Wood reprimands the rest of the haters showing any remorse for the victim claiming it's irrelevant how the dog died the important thing is it's dead.

Victor Anquiz claims that people have had enough of pit bulls and are starting to fight back in spite of the fact the dog wasn't killed by "people" it was shot by police and is one of 25 canine victims of police shootings any given week in America.

S J Martin trots out the nonsense claims that cops only shoot pit bulls again in spite of all the evidence indicating otherwise but that's nothing extraordinary when considering pit bull haters they religiously lie and misrepresent both statistics and studies in their vile hate campaign against pit bulls and their owners.

Dana Renfow chimes in with yet another long winded rant with little to no meaning trying to justify the killing of this family pet Dana is a particular foul mouthed hater she's quite creative and creates very imaginative memes of anyone exposing her hate.

Jeffrey Sloan uses an old hater tactic spinning the blame on to the victim in true hater style you see it's the dog's fault the cops shot him for no other reason than he looked like a pit bull.

These people claim to be victims advocates whereas nothing could be further from the truth one visit to their hate group quickly confirms they are all vile haters and they'll do whatever needs to be done to ensure the extinction of pit bulls and the persecution of pit bull owners.

Browsing their hate group you'll find posts like this vilifying and celebrating the deaths of innocent family pets equally you'll find many posts in which they bully and harass rescues and shelters for adopting pit bulls.

The thing is these people seem to think they're fooling the general public into believing they're actually victims advocates whereas the complete lack of support for them indicates the broader community see them for exactly what they are and that's fanatics.

What sort of people celebrate this sort of tragedy.....

Sick people that's who......

More to come......

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