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Thursday, 6 July 2017's number one thug; Jeff Borchardt is a bully and a liar!

Jeff Borchardt has an extensive criminal history.....

The media aren't helping the current situation with their lack luster casual lack of respect for the facts and honesty in reporting case in point the reporting following and since the totally avoidable tragedy which cost a 14 month old infant his life when the babysitter's poorly socialized dogs allegedly attacked and killed the infant.

The initial news reports referred to the dogs as "dogs' not pit bulls.....

But once dogsbite became involved they suddenly became pit bulls.....

The father of the child expressly forbad the babysitter from taking his child near her dogs however the babysitter took the child out in the back yard with her pets who normally spent the majority of their time either in the pen in the back yard or in a small crate inside the dwelling.

The siblings were taken away from their mother at 4-5 weeks old and can lead to significant issues with dogs as adults as they miss growing up that first 8-10 weeks learns them bite inhibition. 

The dogs .....  

The Pit Bull Boxer mixes are becoming a popular "hybrid" among dog owners.....

Image source..... haughton-louisiana-boxer-mix

  • The American Canine Kennel Club calls the mix a Bullboxer Pit.
  • The Designer Breed Registry calls it an American Bullboxer.
  • The International Designer Canine Registry designates the mix as a Bullboxer.
  • The Designer Dogs Kennel Club has chosen the name American Bull Boxer.

For consistency’s sake, the term Bullboxer will most often be used throughout this discussion.
Unlike cute toy dogs, the boxer pitbull mix may be one of the more controversial ones within the hybrid dog world. The real problem is not so much with the dog itself, despite some negative publicity. The real issues seem to be the new owners’ ability to adequately handle a big, strong-willed bundle of energy.

Link to source.....

The vet report for Bosston the male dog involved, the dogs are siblings and were taken away from their mother at 4 weeks old and as you can see from this screenshot taken from the original police report Boston is listed as a "canine Boxer mix"..

The vet report for Penny and she actually has a cautionary note saying she was "reactionary", Penny's report states both pit bull mix and boxer mix.

I am going to confront all the media sources claiming the dogs were "pit bull" and ask them to correct the falsity.​

This is an american Pit Bull Terrier.....

All the news media are perpetuating a lie saying that Daxton was killed by his babysitter's "pit bulls" and the child's father has kicked off a bizarre "victims" advocacy attacking both pit bulls and their owners.....

I've included some screenshots for your perusal first the peanut butter comment to a 12 year old girl which Jeff has since apologized for but now denies claiming it was a beat up by the "pit bull lobby".....

Jeff's apology and as you can clearly see he doesn't really apologize as opposed to making excuses for his own poor behavior.....

The anti freeze one posted from his Dj facebook page where he states he will poison his neighbor's dog if it looks like a pit bull.....

Jeff Borchardt claims to be the victim and consistently claims he is being attacked by pit bull owners but fails to ever mention that he actually intentionally provokes these people in order to draw a nasty comment from them that he then screenshots and plays the victim, here's a couple of examples.....

Ledy VanKavage

Senior legislative attorney for Best Friends Animal Society

​Ledy VanKavage is the senior legislative attorney for Best Friends Animal Society. In 1985, she organized the Madison County Coalition Against Pound Seizure, successfully stopping the sale of pets for research in her county.

Jeff has made numerous threats toward both pit bulls and their owners threatening to "take out" people's pets in such a way tends to evoke nasty responses for obvious reasons.....

He brags about public shaming people regularly on facebook too.....

Jeff has created a facebook page where he shares pictures of children interacting with their pets without the parent's permission he claims to be acting in the interests by posting these pictures......

Pit Bull Breed Identification Photos - Owner Submitted

Here's the first example.....

Second example......

Any one opposing Jeff or calling him out on his behavior ends up being a feature in his hateful blogs.....

Jeff posts peoples home addresses and even their IP addresses in his hateful blogs.....

The fact is this man is a bully and a liar, the dogs involved in the death of his son were boxer mixes and he's claiming they were pit bulls for the notoriety.

This man invites all the nasty comments he gets through his own inappropriate actions.....

 He craves the attention and constantly posts stuff that evokes reactions from pit bull owners then moans and groans when they respond.....

Jeff's own actions are causing him the grief and particularly his comments on social media.....

The fact is if Jeff borchardt put as much effort into his career as he puts into his so called victims advocacy his son may not be dead as he wouldn't have had to be spending the day laying carpet and leaving his son with Sussi Iwicki who got his son killed by taking him into the back yard with her poorly socialized dogs.

Now Jeff claims that the vets lied about the breed of the dogs initially but there's only one major hiccup in his reasoning and that is there was no Bsl in her community and as such no need to try and disguise the breed of her dogs.

Sussi's dogs were siblings and both were taken away from their mother at 4-5 weeks old which is extremely detrimental to the long term well being of both the dogs and their owners these dogs spent their lives either in a pen in the backyard or a crate within the dwelling.

Loved family pets do not spend their lives in crates and pens the fact is Sussi was expressly forbidden from taking Jeff's son anywhere near her dogs but for some reason took the infant into the backyard with her pets and ultimately got him killed.....

The fact is if your dogs killed a child you can't go around claiming to be a responsible pet owner?

More to come......

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