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Saturday, 22 July 2017

Jeff D Borchardt and his bunch of misfits - Cyber Bullies or Public Safety Advocates?

Approximately four years ago while surfing the net I came across an article entitled "Are pit bulls dangerous" on live science and the haters were all there posting their propaganda and abusing anyone opposing their views and opinions.

Jeff borchardt was there and he was being his usual self blaming everyone for the death of his son specifically pit bulls and their owners so I checked out the story of his son Daxton's death and the vet reports for the dogs involved indicated the dogs were actually mixed breed mutts with three different vets calling them cross breeds in the three years covering their vet records.

Vet report for Bosston......

Vet reports for Penny, Bosstons sister.....

Now I pointed this out to Jeff Borchardt and he's been attacking me ever since but he recently escalated his bullying following my blog exposing Heidi Schold who threatened to run over a dog that was on the footpath outside her workplace for no other reason than it looked like a pit bull.

Please follow the link to the blog which they claim is an example of my bullying them they've created this page to "expose" me apparently.....

Link to blog.... pitbullhaterexposed-pit-bull-owners-of-wisconsin-beware

Well here is their response to my blog which they claim is cyberbullying.....

Source..... The Halfwit from Brisban, Australia

Now this sort of behavior is nothing new with this page being just another of many attempts to bully me into shutting up and as you can see much like the rest of their hate campaign against pit bulls this revolves around juvenile memes laden with lies and propaganda.

I regularly ask them how breed specific legislation works in stopping attacks & fatalities involving non pit bull type dogs knowing full well that Bsl does nothing to protect the community from non pit bull type dogs.....

Valerie Brown PMSL!!!???
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Reply2 hrs

Source...... Post on hate page.

Typically they claim that pit bulls and their owners are part of the mythical "pit bull lobby" & have no support from the community they also claim no-one takes them seriously which is quite ironic considering their flagship site struggled for donations recently after posting a fund raiser.....

As you can see out of the 317.1 million people in America alone these people got 23 people to donate to their cause over a 6 month period hardly a majority as they regularly claim.....

The fact is I'm no leader I'm just one of a majority of people that reject breed specific legislation in favor of breed neutral owner specific legislation which actually protects the community from all dangerous dogs and not just dangerous pit bulls with  "The Calgary model" being the prime example.

Source.... The hate page post.

Here's Nathan Barret trotting out one of their favorite claims regarding pit bulls attacking because of their genetics but they go extremely quiet when called out on this bullshit as if this were the case all fatalities would involve pit bulls.

The fact is every fatality involving non pit bull type dogs dispels this claim for the garbage it is as in 2016 for example 65% of the dog bite related fatalities actually involved non pit bull type dogs without any fighting genes whatsoever?

Source... Hate page post.

They regularly claim that pro pit bull people have many fake facebook accounts whereas the reality is it's the haters that seem to have numerous facebook accounts point in case Jeff Borchardt.....

Source..... post on hate page.

Jeff borchardt has numerous accounts and pages and as you can see he doesn't even try and disguise the accounts which feature all the same pictures....

The true irony is they ignore all the legitimate studies and prefer to promote Merrit clifton's so called studies and information in spite of the fact the man has had absolutely no training or education in the fields of data collection or data correlation and he gets all of his numbers from media reports with no actual research to confirm the types or breeds of dogs involved on any particular incidents.

Please follow the link to Debunking Merrit Clifton......

Dana Cruz

Source..... hate page post.

As you can see they prefer to be grammar police rather than actually contest and or challenge my claims as they know I'm right.....

Source..... hate page post.

The reason I "clarified" that I have plumbing is because Jeff Borchardt attacked me saying I lived in a "shack" without plumbing.....

That's what Jeff calls victim's advocacy apparently.....

Source..... Post to hate page.

It's not surprising to see harve morgan involved in this page if you've been on news articles involving pit bulls you would have most certainly seen one of Harve's many copy and paste spam raids on news articles.....

Source..... post to hate page.

Instead of actually addressing my claims with actual scientific based information they bully me obviously indicating they're unable to form an adult response to my claims.....

The fact is they regularly accuse me of putting pit bulls before children in spite of the fact that I promote legislation which would add more dogs to the legislation as opposed to actually removing pit bulls or their owners from being responsible.....

Pam Coggins

Source..... Post to hate page.

Jeff Borchardt posted challenging any and all pit bull owners to debate him anywhere anytime then he promptly blocked the majority of pit bull advocates.

I posted on my  Terry Holt page accepting Jeff's challenge and as you can see by the screenshot below Jeff's response was to make a childish meme attacking me typically, he has nothing and struggles to maintain an adult exchange on the issues.....

Source...... post to hate page.

I monitor their hate groups and contact their victims informing them they're under attack from the anti pit bull lobby as in most cases these people block their victims so they can't see the offensive posts and comments made about them by these cowards.....

Source.... Post to hate page.

As you can see they've even considering trying to have my disability pension taken away because in their opinion I spend too much time exposing them.....

Source..... Post to hate page.

Jeff and his bunch of kooks regualrly cherry pick from research articles only posting the stuff they like and twisting the meanings and outcomes of said research.

This is from the same link that Jeff quotes in his post and as you can see the reality is a lot different to what he's claiming.....

"During the 15-year period reviewed in this study, 228 dog bite injuries were treated by our Trauma and Emergency Surgery Service.
Of the 228 attacks reviewed, the breed of dog was reported for 82 attacks.
Of those 82 attacks, 29 (35%) were attributed to pit bulls and 53 (65%) were attributed to all other breeds of dogs combined."
Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs (PDF Download Available). Available from:…/51034290_Mortality_Mauling_a… [accessed Jul 19, 2017].

Jeff's post.....

Source..... Post to hate page.

Apparently anyone and everyone that posts on their page is actually me using a fake account apparently and they seem to get offended if anyone other than their hater mates post or comment on their hate pages.....

Source..... Post to hate page.

As you can see they're really not nice people Cynthia Neuman has at least 2 facebook accounts and pretty much attacks anyone opposing and/or exposing the lies and disinformation she promotes as fact.....

Source..... Post to hate page.

In their minds anyone exposing their so called victims advocacy as the hate campaign it is gets labeled as a bully and a fool.....

Christine is dirty at me for doing a blog about her stalking her neighbors and mass reporting them to her local police and animal control.....

Link to blog.....

Christine M Sweet is driven by hate and fueled by the need for revenge!

Source..... Post to hate page.

Apparently having been attacked by an alleged pit bull gives them the right to bully and harass anyone they see fit to abuse....

Source..... Post to hate page.

Ara Moffet is especially stupid she's attacking me for being a womaniser because I use the "pmsl" to say that I'm "pissing my self laughing" and apparently I'm attacking menstruating women by doing so which is complete and utter nonsense typically.

Source..... Post to hate page.

As you can see by this post this is the fourth such page they've created and all the rest have been removed from facebook shortly after they were created their whole alleged advocacy revolves around childish meme disinformation, propaganda and cyber bullying.....

Source...... Post to hate page.

Liked by Peter Phiphak

While I do have Facebook pages, websites & blogs I don't have anywhere near 500 of them which is a ridiculous claim but in keeping with the majority of their claims which are complete BS.

Despite many reports to Facebook they refuse to remove either the page or the posts featuring my image which is nothing out of the ordinary as facebook seems to covet this type of behavior from the "anti pit bull lobby".....

Source..... Post to hate page.

People who like the post all of whom have persistently bullied and harassed me for exposing their hatred and vile behavior for some years now.....

Valerie BrownDana X Steven RenfrowSandra FullerJohnna Harvard & Laurel Davis.

Apparently this is what they consider to be "victims advocacy' and they do this type of thing to anyone that dares to expose their hatred and inappropriate behavior.....

Source..... Post to hate page.

Jeff D Borchardt is yet another of the Dj's hate pages where he obviously shares posts like this being a part of this hate campaign targeting me because I dare to expose the truth and their desperate attempts to deceive the community with their propaganda laden juvenile memes and pages just like this one.

Jeff also runs Daxton's Friends which claims to be a community service page educating the community on canine education and awareness however it's really a covert attack on pit bulls and their owners and struggles to gain support from the community.....

Once again much like daxton's friends struggled to get 55 people to attend their fundraiser.....

Is it any wonder when he posts stuff like this which he claims is in the public's best interests ......

The stark reality is these people are little more than obsessive bullies and haters and they're clearly using Facebook as a platform to launch their hate attacks on other Facebook users and Facebook seems willing to just let them do it.....

It really should come as no surprise that Facebook has been named in a number of lawsuits for allowing this type of behavior to continue on their site and I'm guessing there;ll be more lawsuits in the future for Facebook given their inability to stop these cyber bullies from attacking people on their site.....

This is the link to The Halfwit from Brisban please report anything you find offensive on this page in the hopes that Facebook will finally remove both the page and the people involved with it.....

More to come......

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