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Thursday, 30 June 2016

"Pit Bulls are not pets" facebook page are blantant liars!!!

Another example of pit bull haters willingness to both mis-represent media reports and use victims in their petty hate campaign against pit bulls and their owners.

This poor child was killed by a mixed breed "mutt" a Shar Pei cross pit bull and typically this abhor ant page has completely switched the photo for this story to an "American Bully's" claiming the attack involved these dogs so obviously much like most pit bull haters they can't identify pit bulls either obviously?

'One pit bull savagely attacks another pit bull by biting it on the face.'
Pit Bulls Are Not Pets

203 talking about this

Blatantly lying and using victims to further their cause to exterminate "pit bulls" although judging by the picture they used, pit bulls have nothing to worry about as they are targeting American Bully's thinking they're pit bulls.

Add a 3-day old child to the ever-growing list of innocent victims of pit bulls. Yet another child with their whole life ahead of them, had their life cut short due to the primal urges of two family pit bulls.
Take note of the word used there - family. These dogs, no matter how "loyal" their owners think they are, have the tendency to turn on their family at any given moment. This is why if you own one of these vicious beasts, you are an extremely irresponsible and selfish human being, in our opinion.
Police in Central California say two family dogs killed a 3-day-old baby after her mother left her on the couch and walked away for a few seconds. Fresno Police…

Now here's an actual photo of the dog involved in the attack on the child and as you can see it's a Shar Pei mix, a "mutt".


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The infant's 33-year-old mother thought the two dogs — reported as shar-pei and pit bull mixes — were restrained in the yard and did not pose a threat, police said.
"The infant's 33-year-old mother thought the two dogs — reported as shar-pei and pit bull mixes — were restrained in the yard and did not pose a threat, police said."

And here's some pictures from google of Sharp Pei mixes and as you can see the resemblance.....

Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
Image result for shar pei mix
More images for shar pei mix

This kind of behavior is typical of breed specific legislation proponents who regularly use dodgy sources such as Dogsbite, Daxton's friends & Animals 24/7 all less then reputable animal organizations with no resident animal experts and little to no community support.

Facebook seems to be willing to allow hate pages and groups likes this to flourish and as a result the social network is being infected with haters and trolls leading to Facebook topping all the list relating to abuse on social media and I for one think it's time Facebook stepped up to the plate and stop ignoring it's responsibilities to users by enforcing their own standards and meeting their "Duty of care" in regards to protecting those users?

more to come.....