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Friday, 20 January 2017

Jeff Borchardt persists with his lies and dangerous disinformation all promoted in childish meme's!

Jeff Borchardt is up to his old tricks calling mixed breed mutts "pit bulls" and using childish meme's in a poor attempt to convince the world his lie is actually fact whereas typically just a little researches reveals the truth.

The fact is once again the dogs involved in this attack were identified by non expert witnesses as pit bull whereas animal officials consistently refer to the dogs as "Mixes" as they're way too big to be actual American Pit Bull Terriers.


Here's an example of the bold faced lies as you can see they never said anything about which dogs were involved in the attack they simply said there were three dogs collected from the location and don't reply to the enquiry as to whether the border collie was involved in the attack.

No mention of the breed of dogs involved by reporters one of the residents refer to the dogs as pit bulls but that means nothing as novices regularly label non pit bulls as pit bulls and the pit bull hate machine does it every day as a matter of normal operating procedure.

This post is from a member of the anti pit bull lobby insisting the attack involved pit bulls and the media is trying to hide it which in utter nonsense.

As you can see the white dog has no evidence of actually being involved in the attack with no visible signs or indications of blood on the dog.

The dog on the left a mixed breed large dog was involved in the fatal attack and is being labeled as a "pit bull" but appears too big to be an actual APBT and the white dog on the right a large mixed breed mutt was impounded in the vicinity of the attack.

Dogs fatally attack kids on way to school |

""Why are you letting two full grown pit bulls roam this neighborhood  freely when the neighborhood is full of elementary school aged kids," Clayton asked of the owner."

Pit bull attack kills one child, injures two in Atlanta - NY Daily News

"Police say three dogs — a pit bull mix, a border collie and the breed of the other is unknown — involved in the attack were not wearing collars and lived near the attack scene, FOX5 reported."

The news article examples below all call the dogs mixes or just plain dogs.

ATLANTA DOG ATTACK: 6-year-old boy killed, 5-year-old girl injured ...

"A growing memorial now sits where a 6-year-old boy lost his life and a little girl was seriously injured when two dogs attacked them in their southwest Atlanta neighborhood."

Atlanta mother recounts dog attack that killed her 6-year-old son - The ...

"Atlanta mother recounts dog attack that killed her 6-year-old son"

Dogs fatally attack kids on way to school |

"An Atlanta Police spokesman said a group of elementary-aged kids were walking to school when the attack happened. "We had some brave kids, some kids ran back to the scene to pull the dogs off the children that were injured," he said."

Dogs attack 2 kids on their way to school bus; one child killed

"Logan and Syari were classmates at F.L. Stanton Elementary School and lived one house apart from each other. Both were targeted by the dogs, described as pit-bull mixes, which neighbors recognized as living at a house nearby. Logan and Syari were no match for the animals."

Child killed, two others injured in dog attack in southwest Atlanta | WAGA

"Fulton County Animal officials said one is a pit bull mix, the second was a border collie and the third is an unknown breed. Authorities said the dogs were not wearing collars."

Correction: Pit Bull Attack story


ATLANTA — In a story Jan. 17 about two dogs attacking children, The Associated Press erroneously reported the breed of dogs involved. The dogs were a pit bull mix and a border collie, not two pit bulls.

And as you can see the Fulton County Animal control did actual call one of the dogs a "Border Collie" a bit of a heads up Jeff sometimes when you bully people they'll tell you what they think you want to hear in order to just shut you up and get rid of you?

The fact is knuckleheads like Jeff would prefer to attribute this attack to a breed that wasn't even involved therefore putting the community at further risk as no legitimate investigation is under taken once dogs involved in attacks are labeled as pit bulls in some cases giving irresponsible parents a get out of jail free card because the dogs were alleged to be pit bulls.

The fact is these children were way too young to be walking to school unaccompanied by an adult and the lack of any parental supervision obviously contributed to this incident but the haters seem content to blissfully blame pit bulls for this attack when the breed or type of dog involved had little to do with the attack occurring or the outcome with over thirty or more actual breeds and types of dogs having been involved in fatal attacks on humans in the past.

The black dog was definitely involved in the attack and judging by it's size it's mixed with Mastiff or one of the either larger breeds and the white dog is even bigger and has no visible signs of having been involved in the attack either way neither are pit bulls 

more to come......

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