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Sunday, 1 January 2017

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby tweaking the numbers! Dennis the menace.....

Now not only does Dennis baker tweak the dog bite related statistics to look bad for pit bulls by labeling mixed breed mutts as pit bulls he has no respect for the intellectual property of others sharing peoples work in breach of copyright rules.

Dennis & his hater mates have recently added the word "type" to their language in a vein attempt to justify labeling mixed breed mutts as pit bulls and including them in their so called statistics as pit bull victims when in reality the dogs are mixed breed mutts as in the story Dennis has shared on this instance.

Lets see you get a pit bull and name it scarface then you want scarface the pit bull to look cute in a sweater. Maybe take some cute pictures of scarface and post them on the net to prove how sweet pit bulls are. What could go wrong ??
TAMPA, Fla. - 
A dog attack sent two people to the hospital in Tampa.
According to Tampa Police, a pit bull mix named Scarface bit its owner and two other family members at a home located in the 3400 block of Cord Street on Friday afternoon.
Tampa Police said Brenda Guerrero, 52, tried to put a sweater on the dog when it attacked. Her husband, 46-year-old Ismael Guerrero, attempted to pull the dog off his wife when the dog began attacking him.
See More:
A dog attack sent three people a hospital in Tampa.
Clark Ay Caramba Love this story. SCARFACE the pit bull mauls owners! Cannot even get a tutu on that mauler.
Like511 hrs
Tom Shorette Why am I not surprised?
Like411 hrs
Neil Sherhag There's no bad sweaters, just bad owners
Like710 hrs
Nancy Perdue Ahahahahaha! 
Like29 hrs
Nancy Perdue It's all in how you knit them! 
Like49 hrs
Gwendolyn Hanan BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ^^^^^^^^
Like310 hrs
James Duncan "Wondering whether or not that dog will have to be put down" Duh!
Like59 hrs
Dennis Baker I sure someone somewhere just wants to wash the blood off and send Scarface to rehab.
Like59 hrsEdited
Gwendolyn Hanan I know!!!!! I thought the same thing????
Like39 hrs
Nancy Perdue Just like Sosorry the Pitbull is being rescued after killing a small dog.
Like19 hrs
Nancy Perdue I guess they believed the, Pitbulls are big goofy cuddle bugs myth? Well they were proved wrong by a Pitbull.
Like39 hrsEdited

The members of his hate Facebook group "The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed" don't even bat an eye lid at the fact the dog is a "mix" and jump straight into their usual mind numbing routine of persecuting all dogs they consider to be pit bulls regardless.

As you can see Dennis has copy and pasted part of the news article in spite of their copyright notice, I have contacted the publication and informed them of the breach of their copyright.....

"Copyright 2016 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed."


The irony is that Dennis claims to finishing up the dog bite statistics list for 2016 and considering he calls mixed breed mutts pit bulls it's safe to say the list isn't worth the paper it's written on as it's been created by someone extremely biased against pit bulls.

These people are not public safety advocates they're pit bull haters and they'll use any method at their disposal to ensure pit bulls become extinct however fortunately more and more people are becoming aware of the true nature of their so called advocacy.

Breed specific legislation is being repealed and legislated against in wholesale terms around the world increasingly as municipalities come to the realization that Bsl doesn't work and the only way to ensure public safety is through breed neutral legislation and public awareness programs.

more to come.....

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