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Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Anti Pit Bull Advocacy involves stalking, cyber bullying & dangerous disinformation.....

And here we have a perfect demonstration of just how deluded these people are as "Scarface" was clearly identified as a "pit bull mix" by news media outlets and yet this petty hate page claims he's a pit bull typically.

This type of behavior is indicative of breed specific legislation proponents and the fact is they have little alternative but to resort to these types of gutter tactics as they have absolutely no support from any of the main stream legitimate animal organizations.

So, Scarface, the rehomed pit bull, decided he didn't want to wear a sweater and attacked an entire family. If it's all how they are raised, why would you get a second hand pit bull? Don't be duped, never trust a pit bull. Pit bulls have earned their reputation.
Aleksandra Smigielska That true horrible creatures 😱😱😱😱😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Joy Bailey They need to be spayed/neutered out of existence!! All pits in shelter should be euthanized! They can't be trusted!
Esteban Cabaleiro That aint no pit bull
Anti-Pit Bull Memes Yeah, yeah, yeah. We know.
Esteban Cabaleiro Why u so scared of dogs?
Anti-Pit Bull Memes Why are you such a moron?
Esteban Cabaleiro Anti-Pit Bull Memes naaa. Thats cool. I dont like some dog breeds either, just why create a page promoting hate against pits, but thats cool you do you.
Terry Holt
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Wilgen Katje It's their own fault. They should have gone with the more traditional tutu and garland, pitbulls love those. (there always has to be a reason for a mauling right, RIGHT?)

If you read the story these people tried to wrestle this poor dog into a sweater causing the dog to react thinking they were trying to hurt him so he retaliated then their son stabbed the dog in the head and they wonder why the dog was agitated after being attacked for simply defending himself.

[SHOCKING] Dog Mauls Owners After They Tried To Put Sweater On ...

"That’s when their 22-year-old son got a knife and began stabbing the pit bull mix in the head and neck, the newspaper reports.

A quick visit to this alleged public safety orientated page reveals they're dangerously fanatical advocacy which features juvenile and/or emotive meme's laden with lies, disinformation and propaganda.

Here's some example from their page.....

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
14 hrs
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"Pit Hags" is what they call any woman that either owns or advocates for pit bulls or against breed specific legislation.....

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
22 hrs
Terry Holt you poor buggers I can't imagine having to rely on lies, disinformation & juvenile meme's for my advocacy
LikeReplyCommented on by Dawn Dalyce18 mins

They constantly resort to childish attacks because they have no legitimate responses to actual legitimate science and data based scientific information from legitimate reputable sources.

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If they had any legitimate support from even one of the legitimate organization backing their claims they wouldn't need to create these emotive meme's.

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These people all but ignore the 128 victims during the years 2005 - 2015 to over thirty different non pit bull type breeds but still claim to be victims advocates when the legislation they promote does nothing to prevent another 128 victims in the coming decade too.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
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Well technically if Bsl worked it may possibly save you from a pit bull but it does nothing to protect you from any other dangerous dogs of the non pit bull type and that's why breed specific legislation is being kicked to the curb on wholesale terms around the world.

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
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These people trivialize deaths involving other breeds and types with yet more dangerous disinformation it's this type of deception by breed specific legislation proponents that is contributing to preventable dog bite related fatalities.

Image result for Chihuahua attacks
Image result for Chihuahua attacks
Image result for Chihuahua attacks
Image result for Chihuahua attacks
Image result for Chihuahua attacks

Girl recovering after being attacked by pack of Chihuahuas - KPTV 

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
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Yes we do claim that actually and here's why......


Source Google search.... "Who can identify a pit bull"

Anti-Pit Bull Memes added a new photo.
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Dawn James please let me know when you figure out how to get them to access links. i have been backing up my venomous blog posts with links to PRO pit bull websites for years but i can't get these fucktards to click on the links.

The irony is that all of their sources are propaganda the three main sources for their lies and disinformation,, Daxtons & Animals 24/7 none of these organizations are supported by any mainstream animal organizations and enjoy relatively little to no support from the community at large.

George Hugginson Yes I love it when damn pit bull owners get hurt. I hope they all get cancer!

This particular post shows the true nature of what these people are really like they often celebrate and rejoice openly when pit bull owners are attacked by their own pets.

As you can see Jeff Borchardt's comment on that last post now this man claims to be a unbiased source of information on pit bulls whereas his comment shows the true nature of what this depraved individual considers to be "Public Safety Advocacy".

Dana Renfrow Crop-eared therapy dog, hahaha!
Bettina Cardona Fugly mastiff mix 😂😂
Tabby Haefke Obese Nanny Dog is my favorite lol

These people consistently claim to be able to identify pit bulls but demonstrate they clearly can't each and every day by labeling bull dogs, cane corsos etc etc as pit bulls when they're clearly totally different breeds and in some cases types.

It seems quite clear to the average citizen upon a little research that these people are endangering the public and contributing to the dog bite related fatalities with their dangerously delusional advocacy.

They claim to be dispelling the myths surrounding pit bulls but it's extremely obvious they're the ones making stuff up and muddying the waters with their nonsense statistics they claim show that Bsl works whereas it's common knowledge among reputable animal and public safety organizations that breed specific legislation doesn't have any discernible affect on either over all bite instances or dog bite related fatalities.

All these organizations reject breed specific legislation in favor of breed neutral owner specific legislation that protects the community from all dangerous dogs and not just "specific" dangerous dogs.

This page is one of many using lazy and bias media reporting to try and bring pit bulls to extinction and they seem willing to sacrifice the average 128 victims of non pit bull types each decade in order to achieve the end game.

These people stalk and cyber bully anyone and everyone that opposes Bsl or owns a pit bull and exposes their lies and disinformation they are not public safety advocates and their tactics demonstrate that quite clearly to anyone of average intelligence.

more to come.....

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