Please meet Sonya Del Rio Cerezo......
Source Sonia's Facebook Account.....
This is the type of thing Sonya calls victims advocacy she's shared a message from another Facebook user exposing this persons personal details now this isn't the first time these people have victimized this individual please follow the link (below) to a blog featuring the last time a fellow member of the Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed attacked this lady.
Link to Jot Baileys post attacking this lady..... pitbullhaterexposed
Here's Sonya's posting attacking Kristy.....
I usually delete these without reading but this one really cracked me up.
This nutter was able to figure out all on her own that "AZZ" is spelled correctly with 2 S's! Then she took the time out to tell me about it. She should have spent that time looking at the fatal dog attack stats.
This nutter was able to figure out all on her own that "AZZ" is spelled correctly with 2 S's! Then she took the time out to tell me about it. She should have spent that time looking at the fatal dog attack stats.
Despite claiming she's a public safety advocate Sonya has been charged with driving without a license hardly the actions of a legitimate public safety advocate.
Sonya tries convincing everyone she meets that pit bulls are dangerous and generally they just agree with her to shut her up.
Now Sonya defends the pit bull propaganda book from the lawyer J T Beasley, this man has no formal training in canine behavior or genetics yet he writes an expert book on pit bulls, it's toilet paper this individual is one of along list of unscrupulous people using the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls to profit.
Sonya has consistently attacked me since the first time I exposed the lunacy she calls advocacy.
Im sorry I made a here it is again Terry Holtergeist
Sonya hides her outright hatred and bias against pit bulls behind the noble cause of victims advocacy whereas in reality she doesn't care about dog bite victims or she'd advocate for all of them and not just pit bulls victims surely?
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo
looking for intelligent life

Source..... daxtonsfriendsarekillers
As you can see Sonya attacks me every chance she gets but still tries to play the victim in all of this when the fact is she initiated it all with her under handed smear tactics.
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Not surprised…I knew Terry Holtergeist was a dirty b-stard when he deleted comments of himself basically calling some victim advocates ugly…they disappeared VERY quickly after a post showing his comments appeared in one of our public groups.
Inside the
slot machine that is his brain, the numbers NEVER match up.
This is a public group so feel free to copy+paste away at my posts if you feel it may stop me from advocating for victims.
Inside the

This is a public group so feel free to copy+paste away at my posts if you feel it may stop me from advocating for victims.
Sonya's so called public safety advocacy has alienated her from all of her family and she's even started attacking fellow family members calling them "witches" she's obviously not quite right.
I’m sorry but the in my case when my family members are engaged in witchcraft and promoting homosexuality and causing me to exasperate my chronic illness then they are cut off until they can be a good functional encouraging part of my life and respect my Faith. Some people have no desire for God. Unless and until they change,they are not welcome in my life. The door is closed and pad locked.
Sonya spends her days attacking anyone that speaks favorably about or toward pit bulls she truly needs counselling not encouragement to continue her senseless ways.
Kimberly has exposed Sonya and most of her hater mates on her blogs Zombies and Dogs and Sonya hates her with a passion because she has no reasonable retort to Kimberly's blog which exposes all the haters for what they are, delusional dangerous haters & murderers.
As you can see she actually fantasizes about cyber bullying me she's definitely dangerously delusional?
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo I wish I could make a video with Holt's pictures with the "psycho" violin music in the background.
His picture really looks freaking creepy.
His picture really looks freaking creepy.
- Source.... cyberstalkersexposed
Now it's abundantly obvious to the uninformed observer that these people are from from being victims advocates they attack people specifically anyone that supports or owns pit bulls.
Their whole campaign is based on fake statistics, emotive meme's lies, disinformation personal attacks and cyber bullying.
more to come.....