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Wednesday 21 January 2015


Ara Moffett 

I suppose pit perverts believe, in their grandiose 

thinking style, that any of us who support 

victims of vicious dogs give a rat's a*s about your 

deluded opinions. Stalk our Facebook pages, we don't 

care. Threaten to kill us (yes, happens all the time), we 

don't care. Use the vilest of curse words, we don't care. 

Call us moron, idiot, ignorant, we don't care. We don't 

care what you think BECAUSE you have a pit bull, so 

your thinking is not something we should care about. 

Why would any of US care what pitophiles think about 

us? WE DON'T.

Ara Moffett 

Pitidiots scrambling to save the already ruined rep of 

their fighting breed dogs. It would be funny ibut for the 

fact that they or their own kids may be the next news 


Ara Moffett 

Stupid is as stupd does, Candi. YOU are the one with a 

fighting breed dog in your house and it probably has its 

fat azz up in your bed.

 Candi, you don't have kids in the home with YOUR pits, 

do you? You like mauled children?

The bull and terrier breed (as they were orignally ca

lled by the dog men who created them) were bred 

SPECIFICALLY to fight other dogs in pits. That is ALL 

that they were bred for. They were NOT bred to be 

nanny dogs, hunting dogs, vermin dogs, retrieving 

dogs, sled dogs, herding dogs, guarding dogs Dog 

fighting was made illegal in all 50 states in 1976. Now it 

is past time for THE breed BRED for this fighting to be 

made illegal also. They have no use but pit fighting. 

They have outlived their "usefulness"

Anyone who keeps a pit bull in a home with children 

does not really care if their children get hurt. If you don't 

know what pit bulls are capable of, you have no 

business owning one, with or without children. They are 

capable of massitve damage and/or death and they take 

the opportunity to prove it frequently. JUST STOP IT, 


There are no stats on small dogs killing people. 

They know that. They are just desperate to change the 

subject, subject being FIGHTING BREED DOGS DOING 


Why don't YOU shut up and why are you here 

commenting if you really feel that way? Hmmmmm?

If you feel like everyone should shut up, 

would that not include YOU is my point? I am a victims' 

advocate for victims of vicious dog attacks. I would love 

to prevent more of the same. There have been far too 

many children and adults, pets and livestock animals 

lost to pit bull attacks and there needs to be awareness 

that pit bulls do NOT belong in homes as pets. They 

never did. They never were. This is an aberration of 

what is normal...people taking up for dogs that killed a 

baby and it MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMCH. It's vile 

and sociopathic.

Pitophiles, just ignorant pitophiles. What do you expect 

from someone who keeps a dog bred for fighting in their 

home with their kids? You KNOW that's stupid from the 

getgo, so what did you expect from these pit perverts?

  •  Your children have no choice but to be there with 

  • those fighting dogs. They are to be pitied for 

  • having such an ignorant father that is willing to 

  • risk their lives and limbs. SHAME ON YOU.

  •  My IQ is near 130. Yours....same as 

  • your shoe size?

You'd blame Jesus Christ if you thought it would help 

pit bulls. Nitwit.

No, you are a selfish, self centered, heartless, cold, silly, 

irresponsible, disgusting excuse for a mother. You 

disgust me.

It IS the breed and unless you had kids when you were 

13, a grandma should be old enough to know better.

Worthless gibberish that will help NOTHING when 

dealing with a fighting breed dog

 Bet you wouldn't be disappointed if it had been a 

Labrador that did it, would you? WOULD YOU? No, you 

would be posting it all over your Facebook page and 

smirking. But it wasn't a Lab, was it? WAS IT? It was a 

PIT BULL FRIGGIN' TERRIER. This is news. Get over 


I do not feel sorry for the dogs. I will be glad when they 

are euthanized. They killed a child. They will maim or kill 

again. I pity them not. Let the shots begin

Just what sort of sociopathic embecile are you, Patty? 

Do you honestly believe that an eighteen month old 

baby could do ANYTHING to really hurt a large, 

muscular, dangerous dog and this was TWO of them. 

You make me sick to my stomach.

Jayne won't have a mind to change. It will be all over her 

living room floor just like Edward Cahill and Darla 


Pit flakes can't seem to understand that there is a VAST 

difference between canines and human beings. Just 

what kind of sickness is it that these pit flakes have, 


 The nanny dog myth came about in the 1970's when a 

breeder was trying to remove the dogs from their fighting 

connections in people's minds. IT IS A MYTH STUPID 


You think this mother misses this DOG? The dog that KILLED 

her baby? If she does miss the dog, she should have a tubal 

ligation. If a dog, any dog, seriously mauled or killed one of my 

loved ones, there would not be enough left of it to carry away in 

a sandwich bag

Can we get the dogs matching bullets to their brains?

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