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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

butthurting about a stamp by WICL

The anti-Pit Bull hate group has recently put out a “call to action” in response to something meant to spread happiness and good will. Surprised? Me neither.
Founder Colleen Lynn wants everyone to go after the United Nations, not for anything that they’ve actually done politically, but for opting to put the smiling face of a Pit Bull-mix on 1 of their 6 stamps that are being created for the 2014 International Day of Happiness. What a crime! Not only will the dog be featured on 1 of the stamps, but that particular stamp was also chosen to be on the cover of the holiday’s promotional brochure… Choices which have caused dog-hating individuals such as Lynn to shit blocks of red ceramic material generally used for mortar construction.
They say this choice “offends” victims of dog mauling incidents and, get this, promotes dog fighting. How? Well, first it’s simply because any dog that even remotely looks like a Pit Bull was chosen. God forbid. Never mind the indisputable fact that millions upon millions of these dogs exist, and that they are all individuals, 99.9% of which have never harmed anyone. But further, apparently the DBO hate group has also taken issue with how the picture has been tinted blue and red, to go along with the dog’s white coat (um, American Pit Bull Terrier = United States = red, white and blue?). Colleen Lynn claims that the placement of the red represents a blood “stained chest” and that the glorification of the dog’s happy face represents the “very emblem of immoral cruelty,” an “obscene” choice.
Honestly, what kind of freak can see ^that image and think that it promotes dog fighting and killing? Colleen Lynn can! That’s who.
So in response Lynn has begun begging her followers to start emailing the UN obscene images of victims, as a way to vilify all dogs deemed, by her, to be Pit Bulls. Verifying what picture represents what doesn’t matter in the slightest, so long as it’s bloody and gruesome. Exploitative much? Incredible. Wait, weren’t we just talking about what was offensive and obscene? Yeah, that’s what I thought. This irony only registers with those who are rational. But okay.
Point is, they want the stamp stopped before it begins to circulate. They want to throw their fit, attempt to dumb everyone down, attempt to ignore public safety, attempt to evasively misrepresent millions of dogs, and attempt to relay their message of “non-obsceneness” by continuing to embrace the bottom of the barrel philosophy of being eternally obscene.
To counter this wicked effort, please contact these same individuals from the UN and let them know how much you appreciate the beautiful choice:,,,,,
This is the sweetie cake of a dog, her name is Macy. She was a shelter dog that was deemed “not appropriate for adoption” at a kill pound in California. This oftentimes happens to dogs simply because of how they look, or their breed, and having nothing at all to do with their actual temperament.
Macy was thankfully rescued, fostered, and then ultimately adopted by the same person that decided to foster her. Now she happily lives out her life as a lap dog. It’s a great story.
I had never considered myself a Pit Bull person, and if I were honest, they scared me a little. However, Macy completely blew my stereotypes and preconceptions out of the water. The thing Macy loves above all else is human interaction and attention. The main takeaway is, please everyone, just give them a chance — pitties and other shelter dogs alike. That’s really all they need.
The inclusion of a rescued shelter dog, Pit Bull or not, to represent a day promoting happiness is a huge honor that is absolutely deserved.
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