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Wednesday 7 January 2015

B.C. should ban pit bulls too because continuing to whine about bad owners, not bad dogs and doing nothing

  • The above poll results show that most disagree with such a ban. Any dog can attack.
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        So utterly ridiculous. There is no such thing as a pitbull, only "pitbull-type dogs" - or dogs that have physical characteristics that are associated with American Pitbull Terriers (APTs). This means that a dog who has done absolutely nothing wrong can be euthanized based SOLELY upon a layman's determination that it fits those characteristics. So the "pitbull ban" actually leads to the euthanizing of boxer mixes, Lab mixes, bulldog mixes, mutts, etc -- anything that "looks like" a pitbull. It may be time to stop calling it a pitbull ban and start calling it what it REALLY is: A License to Kill Any Dog Unfortunate Enough To Have a Square Head, Wide Shoulders and Big Drooly Mouth (or, ALKADUEHSHWSBDM for short).
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            any parent that would leave a 16 days old with ANY dog is out of their minds...the parents should be charged
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                Then I guess they will have to ban a lot of owners, as they are the ones responsible for training them to fight. Banning all fighting breeds, there are none! So that is pretty easy. No dog is bred and born with fighting instinct. It is a learned behavior trained by humans
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                    Nobody is interested in your irrelevant nonsense… it has nothing to do with the horrendous maulings, the deaths caused by pit type dogs. Deal with the facts, and stop blubbering and blabbering. Pit type dogs kill more than all breeds combined. Banning dogs was unheard of until pits were commercialized. That's because banning them is the only way to deal with these fighting breed miscreants that people like you want to pimp as pets.
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                        You might want to get off your nonsense attitude! Seeing as I deal with them on a daily basis, and you have absolutely nothing to base your so called knowledge on. The media over-hypes every piece of news having to do with dog bites, before they have even done the proper research before doing their story. Yes, there have been a large number of bully bites, recently, before that it was German Shepard's, and before that it was Dobermans, and there is research to back this up. No one is pimping them as pets. They are pets, and back before the idiots who started training them to fight, they were quite popular as Nanny Dog's". No mauling's back then. They are the biggest babies themselves, like any breed there is going to be rotten egg, here and there. But as I said earlier, regardless of what you think, no dog is born to fight!
                        BLAME THE OWNERS NOT THE BREED!!!!!!
                        Oh and the Banning has come about DUE TO IGNORANCE IN NUMBERS.
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                            Blubbering & blabbering fabricated pit pushing propaganda. German Shepherds and Dobbies have long been designated dangerous dogs in the law, and where their owners were liable, they had the money to pay. (Pit type owners are usually judgment proof, foul mouthed dead beats that run and disown their beast when it mauls and kills). When pit type dogs were commercialized, the only way to contain the bloodletting of these bloodsport bred beasts was to ban them. So, the people profiting from the fear&intimidation industry cried out for "dangerous dog status." No self-respecting GSD or Dobbie owner should have to share that privileged status with a trash pit bull that was bred to kill.
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                                When you repeat the nanny dog myth you immediately lose all credibility.
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                                  When you ask people to do research, you sink yourself. Even the ASPCA acknowledges that pit bulls were bred for fighting and that not all breeds of dogs can be used for fighting. In reality, no other kind of dog but pit bulls can fight according to the rules created by psychopathic dogfighters in England and the US. The rules for pit fighting with pit bulls depend on the genetic perversion that dogfighters selected when breeding them. They have been bred to lack a self-preservation instinct (genetics) and ignore the normal canine signs of appeasement that domestic dogs instinctively have (genetics) and to love to bite and chew and kill even when mortally wounded themselves. That you can't teach. That is inbred perversion. And that is mauling 250 lb grown men and disemboweling pets at the owners' feet. This wasn't a problem before idiots tried making pets out of fighting dogs.
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                                      This is what the ASPCA said about pit bulls . . . "Historically, some pit bulls were bred to fight other dogs. Early bulldogs, forbearers of the modern pit bull, were pitted against bulls, bears and other large animals. When these fights were banned in the 1800s, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other. But even these dogs, bred to be aggressive to other dogs, were not bred to be aggressive toward people, since fighting dogs must tolerate frequent handling by the humans who train and fight them. Meanwhile, other pit bulls were bred expressly for work and companionship."
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                                          What do you think the ASPCA donations would look like if they took a ban-pits position. Do you think they would get any city contracts to run dog shelters. The ASPCA stands ready to ban when it is "profitable" to keep them in business.
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                                              Yes, the ASPCA panders to the pit bull lobby (yes there is one see BFAS's Pit bull initiatives also dig up their paid lobbyists across the nation) and spreads dangerous lies about pit bulls not being dangerous to people in the face of, well, see the examples in the piece you're commenting under for a start. And if you think that being in the pit with the fighting pits was safe, think again. A lot of dogfighters and even spectators have been attacked. They carry break sticks so they can stop those attacks, too. That's why I said that EVEN the ASPCA says dogfighting is genetic just like all the other working dog behaviors and temperaments. This is what they say under their dogfighting faq:
                                              Can All Dogs Be Trained to Fight?
                                              No. Much like herding dogs, trailing dogs and other breeds selected for particular roles, fighting dogs are born ready for the training that will prepare them to succeed in the pit, and are bred to have a high degree of dog aggression.
                                              And, no being "just" dog aggressive isn't acceptable for a pet either. A lot of people have had to listen to their pets agonizing screams a they are disemboweled at their feet by fighting dogs. And many people are seriously mauled themselves trying to save their pet from these maulers. Not acceptable pets.

                                    Bill Tieleman is a former NDP strategist. Read his blog at Email: Twitter: @BillTieleman  


                                    Do you support British Columbia banning pit bulls like Ontario has done?

                                    Yes – there are too many vicious attacks to ignore.
                                    No – blame bad dog owners, not the breed.
                                    5 votes
                                    Not sure - want to see more information.

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