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Friday, 16 January 2015

John Cecil nuttier then a fruit cake

Well I cary pepper spray and a pocket knife. The next pit bull that charges at me at the beach will get a face full of pepper spray. I asked the owners to put them on the leash before they could rush at me, they shot me the bird and i told them I would pepper spray them, only then did they rush to leash their dogs. The difference is that pit bull are more dangerous because of their genetic aggressiveness and unwillingness to let go of another dog or person. You should know this because its common fact on every pit bull website that also is agaist BSL. Me and my dog have been attacked by a Pit and a Mastiff. I now don't have a dog. In Novermber, two months ago, a pit bull I had never seen before was growling at me when I was walking to my car in my own yard. The neighbors boyfriend had brought it over there and they have another nuisance dog that is very aggressive to the UPS driver. I get along great with my neighbor but had to lay down the law and tell her that I would call animal control and also carried pepper spray. She also said that it wasn't a Pit, was an American Bulldog, that is wouldn't hurt anyone, but wasn't even neutered and about a year old, when they start to become more aggressive. When I go for a walk in my neighborhood one block away there is a vicious pit bull that can hop right over a 4' fence, so I have to carry both pepper spray and knife whenever I walk or jog just in case. Its the pit bull owners like yourself and back yard breeders who misinform the public. Every pro pit bull website strongly suggest for all pit bull owners to always cary and break stick. That is unique to pit bulls because they don't release their victims but most pit owners only say how misunderstood their pits are and most really believe their pits are no different than other dogs. Go to any pit bull site and they recognize the specific risk with their pits and how to best handle them to avoid injury to other dogs and people. However, the breed itself is used by dog fighters that contributes another level of burden to society by back yard breeders that overload the shelters with unwanted pits. Also people get these and take them to shelters when they become aggressive. However, Pits are also very affectionate to their owners, even one that killed a baby was called "Licky Face". So no matter what anyone says or does pit bulls will be higher risk and more prone to attack and inflict serious injuries, and because of their ability to climb fences or bolt out of open doors are a higher risk for neighborhoods. However I do help educate the irresponsible owners whenever possible with a face full of pepper spray. I even went to a pit bull forum and asked them how to potent my self from pits running lose and one charging up to me should be considered aggressive.
  • The problem is that you are dismissing the unique threat posed specifically by pit bulls. Everything I said was true about them. They are the only breed that does not let go of its bite and all the pit bull websites recommend owners to always carry a break stick. Owners are going to get complacent when they open the car door and another pet or person gets attacked. The fact is that pit bulls are more dangerous and can't be treated like other dogs. Where did I say you were a bad person? Too many people are misinformed and reckless disregard for public safety will continue resulting in innocent people and pets subjected to horrific attacks by this breed that is being portrayed as harmless and misunderstood. If I only cared about myself I would also capitalize on the sentiments of dog owners. This will be my last post. Best regards.
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        Post got deleted. I didn't say you were a bad person, as I don't know you. You don't consider pit bulls as higher risk and a danger to public safety. Not my problem. Never said you were a bad person. Because you wen't clear about your intentions or if you owned a pit bull isn't my fault. I was clear that I don't own a dog right now but did have one that was attacked by a pit bull. Sorry don't have any more time for this.

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