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Friday, 11 March 2016 = disinformation machine revealed

I'm somewhat confused as to why the head honcho from Colleen Lynn continues to support and promote breed specific legislation is spite of admitting in a Radio interview that it doesn't actually reduce dog bite related fatalities?

"In the 10-year period from 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans and accounted for62% of the total recorded deaths (326). Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 74% of these deaths."

Breed Specific Legislation was never about community safety it was about killing pit bulls and it was assumed that by killing pit bulls the death toll would automatically fall but it hasn't in fact in the last 2 years the death toll has been twice the national average for the previous 2 decades 2 years running in spite of the hundreds of thousands of dogs that looked like pit bulls being murdered in shelters during that same time period?

Who we help

" helps people like Jeff by conducting research on the growing, but underreported, public safety issue of severe and fatal dog attacks inflicted by a known dangerous dog breeds. Our extensive research base of over 2,200 web pages educates the public, law enforcement, journalists, attorneys and policymakers about the growing epidemic of damaging dog maulings our country faces. Read heartfelt letters from parents and family members thanking us for our help."

These people seem to only be advocating for victims of pit bulls and against pit bulls and their owners and regularly encourage followers to lobby politicians and legislators and that's activity which is likely tp put their non profit tax exempt status in jeopardy?

"What puts a 501(c)(3) status in jeopardy? When a 501(c)(3) does not file paperwork with the IRS and/or state or misstates its records intentionally, its tax-exempt status can be jeopardized.

Additionally, 501(c)(3) organizations cannot engage in the following activities:"

•" Conducting extensive lobbying;

• Donating a substantial private benefit to individuals or other organizations for uses not aligned with the organization’s 501(c)(3) purpose;

• Providing outsiders or insiders with personal benefits; • Engaging in any political activity; and

• Having excessive unrelated business income (UBI).

Additional information about maintaining an organization’s 501(c)(3) status can be found on the following Web sites:,,id=136459,00.html"

As you can see dogsbite really doesn't care about the facts this victim may well have had a heart attack, or any number of ailments associated with growing old but because she had bite marks and dogs that looked like pit bulls case closed.

"1Of the 35 total recorded deaths in 2015, two cases are still pending -- awaiting lab results. The deaths of Werner Vogt, 85-years old of Christian County, Missouri and Maria Torres, 57-years old of Gridley, California.
2After a pet pit bull of 8-years killed its owner on Christmas Day in 2014 in Portage, Indiana, the image of 40-year old Edward Cahill posing with his pit bull also went viral on social media. Cahill's mauling death by his family pit bull was "so clear cut," the coroner declined to do an autopsy. "There’s no reason for me to spend $2,500 of the taxpayers’ money on something so obvious," Porter County Coroner Chuck Harris told reporters."

Related articles:
08/31/15: Who Can Identify a Pit Bull? A Dog Owner of 'Ordinary Intelligence'...
01/07/15: 2014 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs -
01/03/14: 2013 Fatal Dog Attack Breed Identification Photographs -

Your donation allows them to spread fear and disinformation all of which has contributed to the dog bite related fatalities being nearly twice the national average for the second year running and the fact is dogsbite does not have one active program intended to help victims.

"Your gift allows us to continue our core activities"

  • "Conduct and publish high quality research about U.S. fatal dog maulings, including ourannual reports and combined year reports that identify underreported high-risk injury scenarios, primarily involving children.
  • Track and analyze breed-specific laws by state and federal agencies, including U.S.military divisions and housing authorities; examine the success of breed-specific laws and provide access to the constitutional rulings that uphold them.
  • Educate the public, law enforcement, journalists, attorneys and policymakers on the results of our research through reports, white papers, written and oral testimony, original videos, extended blog posts and news releases.
  • Make our extensive research and statistical data freely available to the public, researchers, law enforcement, journalists and policymakers by maintaining a comprehensive website of over 2,200 pages and hundreds of PDF files.
  • Advocate on behalf of dog bite and dog mauling victims to advance preventative policies through amicus brief filings and by providing testimony and research analysis results at city, county and state-level legislative hearings.
  • Provide a platform of high visibility to ensure that victims' voices are heard -- over ahundred reports from local, regional and national newspapers have cited statistical data -- and to provide a venue for sharing and support.
  • Special investigative projects, including deep coverage of severe and fatal dog maulings to share with the public how victims lives are adversely affected physically, emotionally and financially and how the existing system often fails them.
  • Monitor and correct dog lobbyist and advocacy misinformation and false myths; acting as the primary whistleblower combating well-funded animal "expert" groups that manipulate the truth about dangerous dog breeds, primarily pit bulls.
  • Provide legislative and litigation support to municipalities and elected officials by ensuring that the leading scientific evidence and winning legal research and can be easily obtained when adopting a breed-specific ordinance or maintaining one.
  • Assist newly formed nonprofits and foundations that operate under a similar mission as our own by offering consultation and guidance and by sharing state-of-the art knowledge and best practices we've documented in other jurisdictions.
Learn more about our mission, our passion and why we do what we do."

Colleen regularly encourages followers to contact their local politicians councils etc and dogsbite regularly lobbies law maker all activities which seem to jeopardize their status as a non profit charity.

"Are there limitations on the activities in which a tax-exempt organization may engage?"
"Depending upon the nature of its exemption, a tax-exempt organization may jeopardize its tax-exempt status if it engages in certain activities. For example, under IRS rules, nonprofit corporations must abide by the following restrictions to retain their tax-exempt status:
  • Nonprofit corporations with a 501(c)(3) tax exemption cannot participate in or contribute money to political campaigns. If they do, the IRS can revoke their nonprofit status, and can assess a special excise tax against the organization and its managers.
  • Nonprofit corporations can engage in only limited lobbying activities. Tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofits that influence legislation to any “substantial degree” face the loss of their nonprofit status. However, for tax-exempt nonprofits that want to participate in lobbying, the IRS simply sets a limit on the money they can spend on political activities."

Programs NONE, NONE, NONE and NONE dogsbite has absolutely no active programs in relation to helping current victims or preventing future victims it seems most of their budget must go toward propaganda from Merrit Clifton.


Program: Data Gathering and Report Generation(GuideStar Nonprofit Profile April 2015)

Population Served:
"Program Description:
Dog bite statistical data gathering is the cornerstone of and has resulted in several important studies issued by including: U.S. Dog Bite Fatalities January 2006 to December 2008 (April 2009) and U.S. Pit Bull Attacks in 85-Day Period (October 2008). As of April 2014, the 3-year dog bite fatality study has been accessed over 74,000 times since its release and is still often quoted by the media. In April 2011, statistics from the 85-day data collection period were cited in a peer-reviewed medical journal study, "Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs," published by the Annals of Surgery. Each year, starting from 2005, collects U.S. fatal dog bite data. These annual reports are issued in January of the following year and are widely read by media members, attorneys, medical professionals and researchers. The last dog bite fatality report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was in the year 2000. Our annual reports fill this absence of vital information for the public. Lastly, in addition to our annual reports, also supplies cumulative dog bite fatality data at the end of each year. For instance, a chart depicting fatal dog attacks by breed from year 2005 forward.
Program Long-Term Success:
Program Short-Term Success:
Program Success Monitored by:
Program Success Examples:"

I've copied and pasted the page from GuideStar with active links simply click on the link to check out the information you want to access as you can see the four links at the bottom of the post above concerning Programs are not active indicating after 8 years they don't have even one successful program to highlight?.

GuideStar Summary

&1002;     Updated ProfileCommitted to transparency ?
&1002;Registered with IRSLegitimacy information is available
&1002;Financial DataAnnual Revenue and Expense data reported
&1002;Mission ObjectivesMission Statement is available
&1002;Impact SummaryImpact Summary from the nonprofit is available
No Personal Reviews availableNo Personal Reviews available

Dogsbite has absolutely no support among legitimate animal organizations in the world and as you can see above not even one "review" after 8 years of being incorporated.

Basic Organization Information

Physical Address:Austin, TX 78711 
NTEE Category:A Arts, Culture, and Humanities
A30 Media, Communications Organizations
R Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy
R01 Alliance/Advocacy Organizations
W Public, Society Benefit
W01 Alliance/Advocacy Organizations
Ruling Year:2011 
Top Funders:Individuals - $25,903

Where do all the donations go if they're not helping victims at least you can see where the Dj's wasting Daxton's Freinds donations with his road side bill boards vilifying American Pit Bull Terriers while featuring a picture of an American Bully, real educational!!!

Mission Statement is a national dog bite victims' group dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks.

The mission statement looks a bit light on detail and it's inaccurate because they seem to focus on pit bull victims while virtually ignoring victims of non banned breeds and offer nothing in the way of victims resources other then contact details for lawyers.

Legitimacy Information

This organization is registered with the IRS.
This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990-N.
Institutional funders should note that an organization’s inclusion on does not satisfy IRS Rev. Proc. 2011-33 for identifying supporting organizations.
Learn more about GuideStar Charity Check, the only pre-grant due diligence tool that is 100% compliant with IRS Rev. Proc 2011-33.

There's no need to take my word for anything just follow the links to the source and verify for yourself.

Annual Revenue & Expenses

(GuideStar Nonprofit Profile, April 2015)
Fiscal Year Starting: January 1, 2014
Fiscal Year Ending: December 31, 2014
Total Revenue  $26,773
Total Expenses  $29,380

Considering their focus revolves around promoting breed specific legislation against a breed/type responsible for 62% (dogsbite stat) of dog bite fatalities it seems they're ignoring those victims of non banned breeds.

In 2014 43 people died as a result of dog related injuries 20 of which involved non banned breeds, I suggest that creator Colleen Lynn explain to their families why she promotes legislation which does nothing to help them or prevent other families suffering similar tragedies in the future.

Most if not all of the pro breed specific legislation proponents have an axe to grind against a population of type/breeds because of a bad experience they've had with a particular dog that may or may not have been a pit bull they are driven by revenge and their judgement seems distorted by hatred.

Please don't enable their Cynophobic tendencies and the fact is this organization should have hundreds of thousands of supporters if they weren't discriminating against a particular breed and were  focusing on victims advocacy as they claim they most certainly would have more support but the fact is after 8 years of being published their Facebook page has little to no support either?......

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Now considering there's more then 317 million people in America alone not counting the rest of the world with internet access it's a bit delusional of these people to claim to be speaking for the majority which clearly is not the case.....

more to come....

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