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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Lorde Faust/Cindy M Ballard promoting more abuse typically!

Lorde faust is actually Cindy M Ballard she uses this fake account to bully people in what she calls victims advocacy but as you can see from this post in her grotty little Facebook hate group "the pit bull problem" which is clearly not focused on helping victims but more precisely attacks both pit bulls and their owners.

Now Lorde regularly posts similar material to this post all with the same intent to vilify pit bulls and any dog they consider looks like a pit bull as they regularly stalk pet owners and then spread lies and disinformation particularly that all pit bull owners are a part of a secret "pit bull lobby" and essentially are all dog fighters or support dog fighting in some way shape or form which is clearly a fanciful lie.

They resort to making up stuff and promoting untruths in one particular incident in 2015 a boy hit by a train was added to their pit bull victim stats being as the child's pet was with him on a leash at the time of the tragic accident and the dog looked like a pitbull 

The Pit Bull advocacy has no problem using our pets as food for their Pit Bulls, maybe we should put the shoe on the other foot and use their Pit Bulls as food for crocodiles.
Video footage captured a crocodile attack a dog at river bank in Isimangaliso Wetlands Park in KwaZulu Natal. Warning: This video footage is not for sensitive viewers.

Now as you can see for yourselves Lorde is promoting using pit bulls for crocodile food so if any ones pet disappears there's a fair chance it's just these haters trying out their new and creative ways to kill pit bulls hardly the actions of actual victims advocates.

The fact is not one legitimate animal or legal organization in the world support breed specific legislation for a good reason and that being there's not one report or study that claims Bsl lowers bite numbers or has any significant affect on dog bite statistics or deaths involving dogs.

The harsh reality is that more then 118 people have died in attacks involving non banned breeds and breed specific legislation does absolutely nothing to address these deaths whatsoever and these people promote this legislation hardly the actions of a victims advocate?

They regularly trot out there whole "it's in their genes" theory which clearly doesn't hold water being as non fighting breeds regularly attack both humans and other pets, farm and domestic animals which clearly wouldn't be happening if their contentious claims had any real merit.

These people undoubtedly are becoming increasingly desperate as breed specific legislation is either repealed or legislated against around the world fortunately the majority of these people spend their time hunched over their lap top in their parents basement using fake names just like Cindy/Lorde and their fellow so called advocates and rarely actually see the light of day.

If you own a bully breed or any dog that resembles one be vigilant as these people regularly promote and applaud violence against both pets and owners and more then likely suffer from mental issues to varying degrees with many of them having police records ranging from using and selling hard drugs to sexual assault on a minor with at least one of them serving time for such a thing right now having recently been convicted they're a real classy bunch ??

more to come.....

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