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Tuesday, 15 March 2016

William Baker can identify a pit bull, NOT!!!

Now unlike the drunk driving pot smoking boofhead Dj from Wisconsin I'm no expert but I'm relatively sure that not one of these people are experts nor are they of average intelligence especially the Dj as he uses pictures of American Bully's in all his hate propaganda highway billboards and bus stop signs demonstrating & affirming my assertions 100%.

Typically as with most pit bull haters their kill all pit bulls campaign revolves around emotive meme's generally using victims pictures without permission even stooping to using pictures of people who unsuccessfully attempted suicide using a firearm but were presented as being pit bull victims.

Check out the madness below clear cut cases of cognitive dissonance on display from all involved they feed each others fears and incite each other to even more extreme behavior with attacks on rescues and animal shelters alike their ignorance knows no boundaries obviously?

How does a Pit Bull turn into a Boxer Mix ?? It mauls 3 people..
COULD YOU pick out a pit bull from a lineup? You might think so, but there's a good chance you'd be wrong. Even experts have problems when it comes to labeling a breed or mix. That's bad news for dogs…
Lorde Faust I see the new trend is to call them Hound mixes. After reading numerous articles on "dog" attacks, I have find it easier and easier to ID breed based on the actions that occurred. Confirmation usually follows in the last paragraph of the report or in a competitor's report.
Nancy Perdue They'll call Pitbulls anything else to try to fool people. One rescue had a black Pitbull labeled as a North American Black Dog. There's no such breed! Only people who have never seen a Pitbull could fall for it.
Kathy Bark Where are the pics for us to ID for ourselves??
Mary Conner Exactly! We can identify!
Nancy Perdue A Pitbull can only exist or be identified, if it's supposed to be doing something heroic or cute. Otherwise if it's following it's breed instincts it's a Lab mix, Boxer mix, Terrier mix, North American (whatever color it is) Dog. BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHA so damn ridiculous!
Olivia Wyatt You look like a little shit to me!
Dan Saeger Pit nutter identifying their precious nugget as a bully.
Dan Saeger My posts are waiting to be "cleared" on the philly. com website. I wonder if they will make it?
Dan Saeger After overnight my "comments" -these first four pics, are not up in the comments.
Bobbi Rosell What a load of crap. You can tell a pit or a pit mix when you see it; they just love saying no one, even experts, can't.
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell And I love how it says to observe the dog's body language.which works for non pit bulls who usually give warning signs before an attack But gee pits were bred to not do that.
Cherilyn Wood It's gotten to the point where DNA tests should be required for all dogs.

As you can see they all claim to be dog breed identification experts and this whole post is targeting and trying to dispell the fact that even experienced shelter staff struggle to identify dog breeds in particular pit bull as they were bred in numerous variations of both size and color as opposed to other breeds which present with the exact same markings and features generally.

For instance all Rottweillers's are tan and black or Dalmations which are white with black spots etc etc, whereas in the early days all dog fighters had individual preferences as to colors and in some cases the actual size of the dogs varied too and these dogs were bred to their own standard and it's only in relatively recent times that breed standards have actually been created for the American Pit Bull Terrier and there's at least two that I've personally seen with subtle but notable differences between the dogs described.

Their whole campaign is a bold faced lie intended to deceive the public into helping them kill all pit bulls which clearly won't stop all the deaths involving dog bites as some 38% of victims deaths involved non banned breeds (118 over a ten year period) the fact is these people have blood on their hands as their promotions invoke a false sense of security among owners of non banned breeds which seems to have led to escalated dbrd tolls for the last two years consecutively.

These people are desperate and dangerous don't be misled by their lies, fear mongering and disinformation.

more to come.....

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