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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Mahli Poole is a stalker and a cyberbully

Well it seems the Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed has a new stalker as you can see by the post below "Mahli Poole" feels it's ok to stalk this mother's Facebook profile and steal her private pictures of her child interacting with their pet and she makes absolutely no effort to conceal the child's face in true so called public advocate style.

And typically all her hater mates in this grotty group created by Jeff D Borchardt the wacky Dj from Wisconsin jump straight on the crazy train and seem to supporting and encouraging this type of advocacy, now if there's anyone out there that knows the victim "Kristen Young" please contact her so she can report this post (if Kristen contacts me I'll instruct her on the proper procedures to ensure this post is removed and ensure Mahli gets the Facebook jail time she so richly deserves.)

Can anyone explain why Pit Bull owners are compelled to continually place their infants in harm's way? This wouldn't be a safe practice with ANY dog! Also, they ALWAYS call their dogs their "other child." Now, I love my animals with all my heart, but I do know the difference between my daughter and a dog.
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Clarice Larson Seriously tho. Ugh
Like54 hrs
Mahli Poole Enough to give me nightmares.
Like24 hrs
Clarice Larson Me too!! 
Like24 hrs
Tricia Malone "Son with fur"??? This is an idiot that would defend her dog even if he killed the little boy, mark my words.
Like74 hrs
Mahli Poole There is no shortage of this woman's endangerment to her baby.
Like34 hrs
Mahli Poole Kristen Young, you are a fool
Like34 hrsEdited
Laurie Miller Musselman Yes she is an idiot, too.
Clarice Larson What a scene.
Like14 hrs
Mahli Poole The dogs head is bigger than the baby! One second, or less...that's all it would take. As I said, this behavior is dangerous with any dog and an infant. Good grief! I'm really in a bit of shock here...
Like24 hrsEdited
Maria-Xenia Tsotos Well it is a "nanny dog" no?
Like33 hrs
Sarah Elizabeth Burke Tragedy waiting to happen...that poor little boy cry emoticon
Like12 hrs
Sandra Fuller Utter denial and they feel the need to try and constantly prove their point=agenda
Like22 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers Sickening. Awful parent.
Like11 hr
David Natalizia All-too likely future quote "They were best friends, they were brothers, I don't understand what caused the dog to suddenly turn on him. He would never hurt a fly, I just don't understand."
Like31 hr
Chris Spanos They are really trying to convince themselves and everybody else that these dogs are gentle.
Like21 hr
M.j. Brandt I love my dogs too, but they are dogs. I respected them enough too not to let my babies crawl and pull at them. Both my younger kids were brought up with two Shepherds we had in our home. I love my children and respected the dogs enough to set boundaries. Never a nip, growl or snarl.
Like21 hr
Bobbi Rosell I am once again reminded why I think some people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. THIS is why.^^^
Like21 hr
Mahli Poole Yes, I had two Aussies. They were fantastic around kids, but you're right about boundaries and a healthy respect for teeth and fur. Children are little and blissfully ignorant of the warped sense of thinking an animal is a person, while the animal only knows how to be an animal, even if one thinks it's their child too. Potentially dangerous situation with any pet, let alone a known killer of babies. The "nanny" should be the parent, not the dog. Parenting 101.
Like150 mins
Laurie Miller Musselman She is not an intelligent woman, that Kristen Young. She is trying to pretend that a pit bull is a human. Stupid women like her put their innocent babies at great risk.
Like132 mins

This group was created for the sole purpose of bullying and harassing pit bull owners and despite numerous complaints resulting in posts being removed, Facebook seems to be coveting their behavior despite the fact they clearly breach Facebook's own community standards on a daily basis by using Facebook as a platform to launch this style of hate speech.

These people seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to stalk peoples Facebook pages and steal their pics for use in their numerous little hate groups this is the true face of breed specific legislation proponents who claim to be public safety advocates whereas nothing could be further from the truth and the sad truth is they hate pit bulls and will stoop to cyber bullying and stalking in order to try and convince the world to join them in their hateful campaign to make the American Pit Bull Terrier extinct.

The fact is their lies and disinformation seems to be contributing to the escalating death toll which includes 118 victims of non banned breeds in the last decade alone as the facts speak for themselves in relation to dog bite related fatalities which have involved many breeds and types of dogs.

The fact is if legislation targets a specific type or breed of dog will only ever stop deaths involving those particular dogs while in the meantime the many dog bite related fatalities involving non banned breeds/types of dog go un-addressed and will no doubt continue to affect victims for the rest of their lives.

If you speak for all victims please continue to reject both breed specific legislation and the disinformation being spread by it's proponents in favor of legitimate science based legislation which addresses all types and breeds of dog and actually serves the interests of public safety legitimately unlike Bsl.

The true course of action in the interest of public safety would be to enact breed neutral laws that address all attacks by all dogs and not just pit bulls as they've only been responsible for 62% (dogsbite stat) of victims and breed specific legislation virtually ignores all the victims of non banned breeds of which there were 119 deaths in the last decade alone.

Be the voice of all dog bite victims and reject breed specific legislation.

more to come.....

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