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Tuesday, 15 March 2016

The drunk driving pot smoking Dj & self proclaimed dog expert from Wisconsin claims Dogo Argentino's are pit bulls

Right from the get go these people lumped some 20-30 breeds in together and called them pit bulls in a vein effort to try and bolster their numbers and justify their hate campaign against pit bulls and their owners here we have an example of the anti pit bull poster boy the drunk driving pot smoking Dj  from Wisconsin who declared himself an expert after his own poor choices got his son killed by the babysitters "boxer" mixes he now claims were pit bulls.

This notoriously unstable man regularly stalks people that oppose and expose his self righteous and bias views and advice such as poisoning neighborhood pets with anti freeze if they look like pit bulls or the notoriously pedophilia type statement he makes to 12 year old girls regarding pit bulls and peanut butter.

Massillon Police Department
Had a domestic disturbance the other evening on Willow NE. Suspect used a handgun which he used to intimidate the victim, and took her phone. The suspect then f...
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Sarah May What's the pinch collar for? *snark*
Nancy Perdue I have yet to see a K-9 Belgian/German Shepherd cop wearing prong collar...BAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Nancy Perdue You can take the Pitbull out of the pit, but you can't take the pit out of the Pitbull. grin emoticon
Sarah May Exactly!
Leanne Deetz Can't go anywhere where I live without seeing these disgusting creatures.
Nancy Perdue I know it's awful. My state Maryland decided back in 2014 to no longer deem Pitbulls as inheritly dangerous. Dumb mistake/choice if you ask me. frown emoticon
Olivia Wyatt I know the feeling. I hate it when I go to the park and one shows up. I just leave and go home.
Nancy Perdue Shitbulls are not K-9 cop material! grumpy emoticon Why are its ears cropped, and why isn't it neutered? I guess they're going to start breeding Shitbulls for K-9 cop use now?
Melissa Chidester-Bluck It's a dogo argentino, which is of the mastiff family and has zero pitbull in it
Allen James Melissa Chidester-Bluck Doesn't make them any less dangerous
Like23 hrs
Lynne Smith That's incorrect Melissa.
Like17 hrs
AJ Schepis Ohio is really saturated with them, and authorities have done their best to do nothing about it. Now the police are using them... smh.
Nancy Perdue gasp emoticon And no attacks yet so far?
Kelly Johnson Sounds like the people of Ohio need to stop breeding. They're obviously low IQ.
Harve Morgan Police K9s are never neutered, they say it affects them doing their job. That, for the most part, is a myth.
Stacey Westover They are turning back the clock to the antebellum days- the custom of using dogs that were made to hunt, terrorize, and slaughter, runaway slaves, should never be brought back!
Melissa Chidester-Bluck This is not a pitbull. It's a dogo argentino which has zero pitbull in it
Jeff Borchardt The Dogo Argentino is a South American mix of various European fighting / baiting types of dogs. It was created mostly from the Cordoba fighting dog (Perro de Pelea Cordobes). The Cordoba fighting dog was a mix of the original English bear-, bull- and...See More
The Dogo Argentino is a South American mix of various European fighting / baiting types of…
Jeff Borchardt The arms race

Most lately we’ve seen a modern arms race in circles that favor this type of inherently dangerous dog, leading to the mixing of ever more local mastiff types with fighting bulldog / pit bull types. The fans of the new mix then apply to kennel clubs to have their own pit bull – mastiff mix recognized as a new ‘breed’. It’s this arms race, with its greed for cash, that has given us the many pit bull mixes people are now pretending are a separate mastiff ‘breed’: the ‘Cane Corso’, ‘Dogo Argentino’, ‘Dogue de Bordeaux’, ‘Bullmastiff’, to name a few.

Read more:
Melissa Chidester-Bluck That last one is from the American Kennel Club. I think it's pretty reliable. I'm not trying to argue by any means. Just trying to educate smile emoticon a dogo argentino is not a pitbull
Nancy Perdue Melissa Chidester-Bluck True a Dogo Argentino or Argentine Mastiff is not a Pitbull Terrier, but it does share some kin with Pitbull breeds. We're just trying to educate too.
Melissa Chidester-Bluck Nancy Perdue thanks for that cool poster smile emoticon which kin does it share?
Melissa Chidester-Bluck The bull terrier?
Nancy Perdue Melissa Chidester-Bluck Bull Terrier, English Bulldog, Boxer. then there's the Cordobes fighting dog.
Melissa Chidester-Bluck I thought pitbulls had staffordshire bull terrier
Nancy Perdue Melissa Chidester-Bluck They do but they're all realated, Bully breeds, and Bulldog Terrier crossing.
Melissa Chidester-Bluck Nancy Perdue thanks for the info smile emoticon
Jeff Borchardt The American Staffordshire Terrier is in fact the same dog as an American Pit Bull Terrier, but registered by a different kennel club. At the turn of the 20th century, the pit bull breeders wanted the respectability of AKC recognition, but the AKC was...See More
The American Staffordshire Terrier is in fact the same dog as an American Pit Bull Terrier, but…
Jeff Borchardt Right on our homepage:

If Daxton’s Friends for Canine Education and Awareness has incorrect information we will efficiently correct or retract statements. There must be substantial evidence that there has been an error in order for corrections to be made. Please e-mail all corrections or concerns to us at our email address on our homepage: ...See More
Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy…
Melissa Chidester-Bluck Jeff Borchardt yes I do agree with this. I was referencing the poster of the dogo argentine. That shows an English bull terrier which I believe isn't included in pit bulls and as gas as I can tell, neither are boxers and I'm also unsure of the English bulldog. What are your thoughts? smile emoticon
Nancy Perdue Melissa Chidester-Bluck Bull Terriers are included in the Pitbull breed family.
Melissa Chidester-Bluck A bull terrier actualy won the akc dog show a few years back, the spuds Mackenzie dog smile emoticon
Melissa Chidester-Bluck Nancy Perdue are you sure? I can't find anything that says they are. Doesn't mean they aren't, I just can't find it lol. Can you point me in the right direction please? smile emoticon
Jeff Borchardt Pit Bull Terrier Family

-American Bulldog...See More
POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG BREEDS This is a list of dog breeds that have a history…
Jeff Borchardt Originally used as gripping dogs during hog hunts, in which they would rip at an animal until the hunter arrived to finish it off, Boxers were also used in dogfighting. After their introduction to the USA around the 20th century, they became popular am...See More
Boxers originated from Germany and are a cross between the original German and English…
Jeff Borchardt Any questions about breeds is covered on

We strive to be the authority on this topic.
Welcome to the Daxton’s Friends website! Our goal is to serve as a resource for healthy…
Melissa Chidester-Bluck Jeff Borchardt anything besides that website? smile emoticon
Jeff Borchardt Not anywhere that you'll get the honest to God truth.
Like221 hrs
Lynne Smith Also keep in mind the time frames of when dogos were created and what the other breeds like Bull Terriers looked like at the time.
Like117 hrs

Obviously their fight is not going to plan as breed specific legislation is being both repealed and legislated against increasingly around the globe and in a knee jerk reaction these people are adding more victims to their kill list recently including "Dogo Argentino's" to their list.

As you can see one member tries in vein to address their mistake and gets ceremonially shot down in flames by the mix master bogart and his minions despite the actual facts specifically the "Dogo Argentinos" are not pit bulls nor are they even related to pit bulls but these people as you can see can't accept that causing the inset of "cognitive dissonance" being as they can't accept anything that threatens their core beliefs in relation to pit bulls as that would make their world crumble around them.

Their beliefs are contrary to every legitimate animal organization in the world and more so the "American Bar Association" has advised all law makers in America to disregard breed specific legislation in favor of breed neutral owner specific legislation due to the facts that A it has no significant affect on dog bite statistics and B it's not supported in the law.

It's obvious there's not one legitimate animal expert or organization that supports Bsl as a viable means to curb dog bite related fatalities with the majority of experts praising "The Calgary model" given it's success in decreasing both dog bite related fatalities and instances of dog bites in general.

more to come.....

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