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Thursday 10 March 2016

Pit bull haters exposing even more ignorance?

It's just more of the same old crap over at "the pit bull problem" where they claim to be victims advocates but support breed specific legislation which by definition ignores all the victims of non banned breeds some 118 over the last decade.

They regularly promote the editor of animals 24/7 Merrit Clifton's infamous disinformation the latest pearl of wisdom claims that 1 in 40 pit bulls are killers which is clearly yet another of Merrit's false claims as America has a resident population of 4-6 million pit bulls a statistic which if true would entail roughly 100,000 deaths per year by pit bulls which is clearly just another of the litany of lies flowing from Merrit's mouth which is clearly suffering from an extreme case of verbal diarrhea?

I have to wonder why so many people fall for the 99% of Pit Bulls won't harm anybody propaganda, yet the same people don't believe that 99% of Labs don't want to swim. What seems to be the point beyond pacification and aiding and abetting the lie?
Lori Welbourne And why is 99% even acceptable when that 1% can inflict DEATH?!
Massa Eqidius The 99% is not acceptable, but when people say a mere 1% of Pit Bulls attack when the percentages are far greater than that, it really down plays the carnage and the dangers of the breed. I, by no means, am advocating fudging numbers, but my experience has been that Pit Bulls attack at the same rate that Labs swim. They might not kill or seriously maul of their victims, and we all know the vast majority of their victims are animals, but well, it just is misleading by downplaying the numbers to pander to Pit Bull pushers.
Mia Johnson Looking at comparative numbers, according to Animals 24/7, in 2013-14 more than 1 in 40 pit bulls killed or seriously maimed another animal, compared to 1 in 50,000 of other breeds. Is that number more effective in relation to their danger to other animals?
Like3March 6 at 3:26pmEdited
Massa Eqidius Absolutely, and that does not account for all the attacks that resulted in less severe injuries.
Aaron Wood it also doesn't count for the attacks that go unreported due to violent and aggressive pit nutters silencing the victims

As even a novice can tell instantly that the advocacy these people promote consists of lies and disinformation all under the guise of victims advocacy despite the fact they clearly ignore all the deaths involving non banned breeds in favor of discriminatory laws focused on killing all pit bulls in spite of the actual facts which clearly indicate that breed neutral owner specific legislation is the most effective way to stop the maximum of the dog bite related deaths.

There's not one legitimate animal or law organization in the world that supports Bsl for obvious reasons as there's no scientific studies and/or information supporting the claims that breed specific legislation actually lowers either the death rate or the injuries caused when dogs attack and that's a fact?

The fact is breed specific legislation does absolutely nothing to curb or address the deaths involving non banned breeds for obvious reasons specifically any dog bite legislation which focuses on a specific breed or type of dog will only curb incidents involving that particular type or breed of dog which leaves the community at risk from dogs not targeted in the legislation the one common denominator in the majority of attacks is an irresponsible owner?

more to come......

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