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Thursday, 31 March 2016

And the hate goes on!

Here we have a perfect example of what these people call "public safety advocacy" which is code for we hate pit bulls and won't rest until they're all dead and the sad fact is this person is most likely Jeff Borchardt or one of his half a dozen followers using a fake name to try and further their genocidal campaign.

Now if you spend a couple of minutes checking out Boofheads hate group The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed you will quickly learn for yourself these people are not advocates they hate pit bulls and will use any resource at their disposal in order to kill all pit bulls.


Their so called advocacy revolves around emotive meme's and disinformation furnished by the washed up never was Merrit Clifton and his farcical statistics which they promote as fact despite the volumes of information indicating Merrit's stats are a joke or a hoax to be more specific. 

The fact they can't avoid despite their many attempts is that 118 people mostly young children and the elderly have fallen victim to non banned breeds over the last decade and breed specific legislation does nothing to either address these tragedies or initiate a process to counter these deaths and/or prevent them in any way shape or form in fact Bsl and it's proponents ignore these victims?

The fact is the only true recourse if you want to stop the maximum amount of these tragedies is to enact legislation which addresses all deaths and not just those involving "pit bulls" and at this point the most logical action would be to support breed neutral legislation to protect the community from all dangerous dogs, initiatives such as the "Calgary" model which seems to protect the community from all dogs and not just pit bulls is the true answer?

more to come.....

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