If you live in Anchorage Alaska and own a dog that even remotely resembles a pit bull beware there's a pit bull hating animal abuser within your ranks just waiting to kill your pet.
Jason Rei
Lives in Anchorage, Alaska

This is Jason's post to his pit bull hate group in which he claims a loose pit bull attempted to attack his neighbors cat and as you can see Jason jumped straight into action stalking the pet with a view to "kicking the fucking thing to death".
Link to post..... The Pit Bull Problem
As you can see Jason threatens to be "Proactive" in this situation which is code for he's going to kill a neighbors pet for no other reason then the way it looks and in spite of the fact the dog didn't actually attack anything.
He claims it menaced him while he as stalking it with the intent to kill it, maybe the dog actually sensed his intentions and simply responded in kind?
The alleged victim who wasn't actually injured in any way shape or form and as you can see Jason brags that he has a reputation among his neighbors whereas it's more likely it's all in his head as these types of people generally have a self inflated sense of themselves which normally is not actually consistent with reality.
Von Dunn consistently recommends death for any pets he considers to be pit bulls and Von recommends Jason take the dog for a long walk which is code for kill it.
Gary Steen chimes in advising Jason to feed the dog bakers chocolate which is deadly to all canines and in keeping with what these people consider to be victims advocacy.
Pam Coggins also recommends Jason kill the dog in the interest of public safety whereas truth be told she hates pit bulls and advocates for their deaths by any means necessary....
Laurie Dysart encourages Jason stating she hopes he gets the chance to kill the "savage beast" in spite of the fact the dog didn't actually attack anything or anyone....
Carol Miller recommends "SSS" which means Shoot, Shovel & Shut up, another words kill the dog in secret and then dispose of the carcass by secretly burying it without a word to anyone and this is what they call victims advocacy.
Steven Young also recommends to Jason to do what he has to do to save the cat which was never even actually attacked once again indicating these people are more like haters then advocates....
This group claims to be a "victims support group" whereas the content of the group indicates they're actually animal abusers and the animal they choose to abuse is any dog that even remotely resembles a pit bull.
This isn't the first time Jason has posted in this way and generally engages in hating on pit bulls as harshly as the rest of the groups members.....
Here's a few examples of Jason's so called victims advocacy.....
Jason antagonized a neighbors dogs and then called animal control and police on his neighbor when the dog reacted to his stalking, Jason went as far as contacting the mans landlord and trying to get the man evicted.....
Jason verbally abuses people in the street too obviously and once again in spite of the fact that no-one was bitten he acts in this manner in the interests of public safety apparently whereas he's obviously more of a danger to the community then any dog could ever be????
As you can see Jason posted to the group bragging about getting his neighbors dog removed by animal control for barking at him from within it's own yard....
These people mass email legislators and Councillors pushing their hate agenda and some authorities actually fall for their ruse and enact breed specific legislation which is the haters primary tool in their pit bull extinction campaign.
If you live in Anchorage or know someone that does please make sure they're aware of this animal abusing hater in their midst with a view to keeping him from harming innocent family pets.....
More to come.....
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