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Friday, 4 August 2017

Valerie Brown & members of "The Pit Bull Problem" attacking and using "Sue Lopicich's" tragic death in their hate campaign....

The Pit Bull Problem claims to be a "victims support" group but reading their own description for the group quickly dispels any notion that they're really a victims advocacy.

Link to source..... The Pit Bull Problem

Valerie Brown the group creator and one of the admins for the group has shared a post related to a particularly tragic case involving a woman being killed by a "bull mastiff" mix in Perth, Australia.

Valerie and her fellows insist that "bull mastiff's" are just over sized pit bulls which obviously is complete nonsense given that Bull Mastiff's and American Pit Bull Terriers are from two completely and distinctly different breed groups.

Link to post..... The Pit Bull Problem

Julie Tran is a particularly nasty individual she kills small animals and as you can see is quite willing to victim bash in order to further their hate campaign against pit bulls.

Carla Teresa White again another example of the true nature of the members in this so called victim support group.

Julie Tran thanks god that the victim wasn't a child or "innocent" bystander  insinuating that this victim was guilty in some way shape or form, Shonte Bell chimes straight in attacking the good name of the victim and once again insinuating the victim "deserved" this tragic end & Johanna Smith concurs thanking god it wasn't a child.

Julia Bremrose Allen comments in reference to pit bulls a Valerie Brown gets inspiration for a new meme the group can use in their propaganda campaign against pit bulls and their owners.

Valerie Brown quickly created and posted her new meme which was inspired by the tragic death of a very much loved woman after she was attacked by a "bull mastiff" mix.

Link to post...... The Pit Bull Problem

The dog involved in the fatal attack which is being called a Bull Mastiff whereas it looks like a Bull Arab which a newly created breed not yet recognized and mostly local to Australia.

"The police have advised that they believe the bull mastiff, currently being held by the city at the request of police, caused the death of Mrs Lopicich," the council said in a statement.
"The police advised the Staffordshire bull terrier was not involved, and he will be returned to the family.

Picture source.....

Valerie Brown is a particularly nasty anti pit bull lobbyist and she's created this group loosely veiled as a victims support group to bully people Facebook actually removed her last profile from their site following attacks on innocent Facebook users when she created her "pit bull haters shame file" by posting the profiles of people she deemed to be "pit nutters".


As you can see Valerie has a foul mouth on her and yes she doesn't mind using innocent children in her exaggerated hate campaign against pit bulls and their owners regularly stalking and sharing pictures featuring children.

As you can see by the screenshot below Valerie makes a habit of attacking victims especially if they're pit bull owners and still refuse to denounce the breed.

As I said Valerie's last profile was removed from Facebook completely as a result of her cyber bullying other Facebook users posting their profiles and generally bullying other users.

Valerie and her fellow members regularly post celebrating and rejoicing the deaths of pit bulls often innocent family pets that hadn't hurt a soul.

As you can she's PMSL (pissing my self laughing) at the death of a family pet involving an attack by coyotes.....

This is a typical response from Valerie when an individual exposes her lies or challenges her claims as you've seen she's a particularly nasty piece of work.

As you can see below this is a typical response from the admin of this particular victim "support" group is it any wonder that Facebook booted her off clean off their site.....

I've done a number of blog about both the group and Valerie's bullying in particular but here's a link to the blog she's talking about in this screenshot.....

This was Valerie's response to my blog and just for the record Valerie my blog's had 344,681 views in comparison to your 568 members which are  mostly comprised of multiple fake accounts.

There's a petition being circulated asking for Facebook to please remove this hate group from their site please sign and share in the hope that Facebook will listen and rid their website of this hateful scourge.....

More to come.....

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