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Friday, 18 August 2017

Pit Bull hate groups using gutter tactics misrepresenting attacks to have involved pit bulls when in reality they never did.....

There's groups of very harmful people masquerading as victims advocates or support groups when the reality is they're haters and they spread the message of hate.

One particular group is the Dangerous Dogs group which was created by 2 English ladies Julia Lewis & Lynne Smith.

The group description.....

As you can see it's more about hating on pit bulls then actually helping victims.....

Julia Lewis..... is one of 2 admins for the group.....

Link to source.... Dangerous Dogs

Now here's a screenshot of a recent post in the group and a quick investigation revealed this latest post is yet another in a long list of dodgy information or outright lies being shared in this group and considering it's one of the admins posting it, it's relatively simple to assume the group has no real integrity and is little more then a hate driven scam......

Dangerous Dogs

The image accompanying this narrative.....

Link to post..... Dangerous Dogs

Julia and her group really don't care what's causing dog attacks they just want all pit bulls dead......

The second group is The Pit Bull Problem which has many admins all of whom have little credibility given their insistence on lying and constantly misrepresenting attacks as involving pit bulls when clearly they don't......

Link to source.... The Pit Bull Problem

Valerie Brown is one of the admins for this group which claims to be a victim "support" group but nothing could be further from the truth and Valerie demonstrates why.....

Link to post..... The Pit Bull Problem

The Actual story.......

Two dogs viciously attack domestic worker

Pretoria - Elizabeth Mahlangu, a domestic worker, was walking home on Tuesday afternoon when she was viciously attacked by two Rottweilers who got out of their yard in Garsfontein, Pretoria.
Mahlangu, 42, was attacked by the two dogs after they escaped from an open gate. It is understood that the owner of the dogs had just arrived home and opened the gate when the dogs fled.

This is nothing new coming from this two particular groups and a quick scroll through their group will confirm their madness and obvious need for revenge against pit bulls and their owners.....

Valerie Brown in particular is on her second Facebook account having had previous accounts removed for her bullying tactics.....

Valerie Brown started what she called her pit bull owner "hall of shame" where she posted people's profiles to her group berating and belittling them one of her many victims advocacy tactics.....

A common tactic among the members of the anti pit bull lobby is to stalk pit bull owners social media accounts and steal pictures and share to their hate groups for ridicule and as you can see by the screenshot below they make no attempt to cover the faces of children and it seem everyone is fair game.....

According to Valerie it's the parents own fault for having their pictures set on public viewing, this woman seems to be truly disturbed and the fact she calls herself a victims advocate in spite of acting like this is in itself extremely concerning.....

Anyone that responds to Valerie in kind gets immediately rebuked generally with foul language and perverted animal sex innuendos.....

Valerie and her fellow haters celebrate the deaths of family pet pit bulls and regularly post tragic stories of family pets being killed as you can see Valerie's comment under this post PMSL which means "pissing my self laughing" which is hardly an appropriate reaction to that tragic story.....

These people misrepresent tragedies and cherry pick facts all in the guise of being victims advocates whereas it's plain to most people these people are little more then narrow minded haters and their promotion of legislation which does little to nothing to actually protect communities from dangerous dogs as opposed to making a particular type of dog extinct confirms as much.....

If these people truly cared for victims they'd actually try and help them instead of constantly using victims in their petty hate campaign against both pit bulls and their owners on a daily basis.....

If these pair of admins actually misrepresent the truth on such a consistent basis how is anyone expected to accept anything they say in these so called victims advocacy groups.....

The worlds legitimate public safety advocates support and promote the breed neutral owner specific legislation which has been so successful in not only lowering bite instances but fatalities too, "The Calgary Model" has been shown to increase community safety in all the places currently using it.....

[PDF]The Calgary Model - dpctz

The anti pit bull lobby all promote breed specific legislation which has no discernible affect on either bite instances or dog bite related fatalities.....

The fact is breed plays no part in dog bite related fatalities with over thirty breeds and types of dogs having been involved in fatal attacks on humans the one common denominator in fatal dog attacks is an irresponsible owner so the sooner we enact legislation which focuses on owners the sooner we'll see an end to the majority of dog bite related fatalities in our communities.....

More to come......

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