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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Andrew Neilson when is a golden retriever a pit bull? when the haters say it is!!!

Here we have a perfect example of what can only be described as either extremely delusional cognitive dissonance or they're deliberately lying to further their death campaign against pit bulls and personaly I'd say it's a bit of both?

As you can see with this story involving the tragic death of a baby after an attack involving a golden retriever but as you can see these poor individuals can't seem to accept that a golden would do such a thing so they initiate a campaign attempting to convince all and sundry the dog was actually a pit bull in spite of the fact the dogs is obviously a Golden Retriever? 

They're calling it a "golden retriever-Labrador mix". Look at the dog's face and tell me what else you see there.
A supposedly "gentle" pooch named Lucky is suspected of killing a 2-month-old baby and tearing the child's body apart in South Carolina.
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S.J. Martin That's a pit mix period
Like411 hrs
S.J. Martin Their gene are ruining every large dog
Like811 hrs
Hannah Honey I was just thinking the same.
Like110 hrs
Chris Smith It's a red nosed golden pit. They could have at least tried to pass it off as a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever mixed with Pitbull.
Like210 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell It is a strange looking dog for sure. I can see the golden in it, sadly lab build and face is a bit similar to a pit when mixed. Though eyes and nose look like a pit. Sadly I think any dog over 30 pounds now unless comes from a certified breeder can have pit in it, frown emoticon
Like110 hrs
Cam Bellamy If this dog came to my rescue I would call it a lab retriever mix
Like110 hrs
Joanna McGinn you have to keep in mind that OTHER dogs are capable of mauling/killing... it's just that PBs lead all others combined, but other breeds DO do this... PBs are not 100% of the problem.
Like210 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell It is true We had an insane golden that lived near us years ago.
Like10 hrs
Joanna McGinn Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell that's why when another breed DOES 'go off the reservation' it IS a newsworthy story as it's a 'rare event'....statistically
Like110 hrs
Lisa Kafka Willett Looks like a pit with golden ears glued to its head
Like210 hrs
Julie Tran It has pit bill eyes and muzzle
Like10 hrs
Joanna McGinn IMO it's more duck toller but man, that would be extremely rare
Like10 hrs
Julia Lewis Goldens have black noses and black skin.
Like10 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell I googled and labs can have a pink nose, though considered a fault if showing the dog.
Like10 hrs
Julia Lewis I thought it was a Golden, not a Lab. It looks like half Goldie, half pit.
Like10 hrs
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell Julia Lewis on this one just so hard to tell.
Like10 hrs
Diana South I don't understand this story. The baby was in a swing in another room by himself, while the father was sleeping?
Like19 hrsEdited
Nicole Marie It's coat and ears are lab/retriever but you can def see some pit in the face- the nose is very different too than a retriever or lab
Like310 hrsEdited
Lisa Black I see a hairy pit bull.
Like69 hrs
Heather Jackson This is the same one where there were also 2 shitbulls in the house. No blood was found on this dog and the other two had mysteriously been taken to a family members house a few hours earlier ..........
Like19 hrs
Gail L Rosbach There was only 1 Pit Bull. His name is Viper. Initially, the press reported that they had a Pit Bull, then that info disappeared. This onepictured went to the home of a relative.
Like8 hrs
Heather Jackson I got my info from the follow up to the court case. There was a " terrier mix, a pit bull, and this " lab mix" all on the house the day of the attack. Family members picked up the dogs and claimed that the only one that was at the house was this " lab...See more
Like28 hrsEdited
Heather Jackson Gail L Rosbach what story are you talking about? I'm talking about the baby that had his legs pulled off.
Like8 hrs
Gail L Rosbach Yes I finally reoreinted myself
Like4 hrs
Renee' Gray- McCurdy A Golden Retriever wouldn't attack and eat a baby. Only a PItt or Rott would do that.
Like29 hrs
Chris Smith There are several breeds that have killed babies (Huskies, Shepherds, Chow Chows, Malamutes, wolf hybrids, Labs, Mastiffs and Great Danes come to mind). This is not considered normal for any of these domesticated breeds (excluding wolf hybrids because they are not domesticated). Pitbulls just do it more than all other breeds combined and people want to act like it is a normal dog behavior.
Like7 hrs
Dawn Dalyce wide jaw...some pit bull in that mix
Like8 hrs
Drema Fowler Sure is
Like8 hrs
Drema Fowler Another side
Like8 hrs
Lacy Marsh Pittttttt a crappypitttttt
Like7 hrs
Lacy Marsh Hmmmmm
Like7 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan I worry for that poor golden if that thing goes pit
Like16 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers OMG ... Y'all I don't think I can recognize Pitt in this dog except for the eyes maybe. It's still a terrible terrible tragedy and I have to wonder why two such benign breeds would combine to make a viscous dog.
Like7 hrs
Sybil Spach Horrible! Red nosed in that dog. Poor family.
Like7 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers Right ! It does have a red nose. I didn't notice.
Like7 hrs
Lisa Trujillo Pit face
Like17 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan I see a dog who was framed when their pit bull killed the baby
Like37 hrs
Sybil Spach Detective Jeff! Of course wiggle butt must be protected!
Like17 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan Sadly, that's how these people think. There are plenty of examples of pit owners blaming another animal for something they know full well their precious pibble did.
Like47 hrs
Kelly Johnson Autopsy can determine if flesh damage and possible ingestion was done by either dog. Authorities should demand to take all dogs in for testing.
Like5 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan Unfortunately they didn't do that in 2012, and the evidence is cold.
Like5 hrs
Kathleen Horton The golden was framed for sure!!!!! If a pit bull was in the mobile home and a limb was ripped off a human, which dog is the obvious culprit ?
Like4 hrs
Norberto Moran The day of reckoning that is coming may come in the form of DNA tests with exacting precision.
Like6 hrs
Sybil Spach Currently though, doggie DNA tests are infamously incorrect and a big money making scheme.
Like46 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan True, DNA tests can't currently be used to identify breed, but they can tell whether a specific DNA sample matches a specific dog.
Like16 hrs
Chris Smith Well then they are magicians because the ones I have done with Wisdom Panel explained all of the physical and temperament traits of the 4 dogs tested.
Like5 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan I had my dog tested and it provided a hilarious list of breeds. Sometimes it seems to work and sometimes it's way off. There is a disclaimer on their website.
Like5 hrs
Chris Smith A lot of our dogs are hilarious mixes. What's concerning is that so many of the mixes are now just enough Pit to cause problems but not to know what you're getting. This was far less of a concern when Pits weren't in the mix.
Like25 hrsEdited
Jane Shryock I don't care what it is. Kill it.
Like35 hrs
Norberto Moran Pretty amazing. Why don't they get it.
Like5 hrs
Drema Fowler I think is a dam pitt from this photo
Like15 hrs
Norberto Moran Look at a golden, a pit and this dog side by side.
Like5 hrs
Chris Smith This dog is a Pitbull, Golden Retriever and Border Collie mix.
Like13 hrs
Norberto Moran What determines the dominant trait? The sire? Or more complex than that?
Like3 hrs
Chris Smith It's a lot more complex than that. Typically the dog will exhibit the traits of the breed it looks most like. I have seen this in litters where some look like one breed and some like another. They can inherit the best traits of their mixes or the worst combination.
Like2 hrsEdited
Lisa Dare It's a matter of the gene itself. It could come from either parent, or both parents.
Like12 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan It's hard to tell from one shot. The important fact is that they actually had pit bulls in the house at the time.
Like65 hrs
Heather Robinson That's an oldie but a goodie. Much debate about this dog years ago.
Like25 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan What we didn't know at the time was that they had pit bulls
Like24 hrs
Heather Robinson Well that's a shocker!
Like13 hrs
Camy Thomas Cover the furry ears and body and look at the face. its clearly a pit bull mix
Like13 hrs
Norberto Moran I must say it is striking.
Like3 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan I think people are seeing some faint pit bull resemblance in the picture because of the assumption that this dog killed a baby, and that's something that retrievers just don't do. Once you find out this family also had pit bulls, and one of the pit bulls attacked their son months later, the lights come on.
Like32 hrsEdited
Norberto Moran My son who vividly remembers our Pitbull we had a few months ago, without me saying what the dog did, identified it as resembling our Lucy. He is artistic and described the mouth to be square and the snout being identical to our Lucy's face. He's 10.
Like2 hrs
Sybil Spach Ok, after reading this, I am inclined to believe the Lab/Pit conspiracy theory.
Like32 hrs
Norberto Moran When you say, "inclined to believe...the conspiracy theory", what do you mean by that?
Like2 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan Well, if she's thinking what I'm thinking, here's the theory: pibble killed their baby, and being card carrying pit nutters, they came up with a scapegoat to take the fall.
Like32 hrs
Sybil Spach That the family Pitbull killed the baby and they just said it was the lab so they could keep pibbles. The lab went to a family friends house to live, and they keep saying how " innocent " the pit is.... Yeh. Lab and pit in the same trailer....which on rips off the baby's leg?
Like22 hrs
Sybil Spach But, it IS just a theory. The people are scumbags that involved their 7 yr old daughter in their porn, so why wouldn't they protect a dog that killed baby?
Like12 hrs
Sybil Spach I feel dirty....going to take a bath now.....
Like12 hrs
Dan Saeger Someone else had put these together (good work), I just saved them..
Like11 hr
Like21 hr
Like11 hr
Norberto Moran A Pitbull disguised as a Golden.
Like1 hr
Norberto Moran You nailed it. See this makes me feel as if breeding should be regulated.
Like1 hr
Like11 hr
Vina Pereira They are mixing them with all other dog breeds... Can you imagine what it will be like pretty soon??? Chihuahua's killing people... pitweiners chewing people up.... this is the stuff nightmares are made of. ANd I HATE IT!
Like1 hr
Sybil Spach I still think the pit bull did it. 🔍
Like11 hr
Bobbi Rosell I see a golden/pit mix. Look at the head/face. Poor baby. frown emoticon
Like11 hr
Jeffrey Sloan There are few people who know what really happened. All we can do after the fact is look at the probabilities.
Like11 hr
Norberto Moran It's a disservice to both breeds actually to mix them and create what? I don't even know what that's supposed to be.
Like158 mins
Norberto Moran Does anyone know if the Pro-BSL 'movement' has breeders involved on this side of the aisle?
Like53 minsEdited
Sybil Spach on mixed breeds?
Norberto Moran No. Just professional breeders that have opinions about Pibbles and their mixes. Knowledge related to dog breeding in general.
Sybil Spach Norberto Moran all I know is there are "designer" breeds and these, which are "have designs on killing" breeds. 😉
Laurie Miller Musselman Okay, I remember this story from 2012. First of all, there were other dogs in the house, including pit bulls. Many believe that they are lying about which dog bit off the newborn baby's legs. Secondly, there were too many dogs in a little mobile home. This is what happens when you have extreme crowding, 5 humans and a lot of dogs. Mama should have taken the new baby with her. Too much laziness and bad decisions going on in that trailer! Sometimes you should not own dogs, people.
Like1 min

Now this is nothing new for breed specific legislation proponents it's just another day at the office for your typical pit bull hating Bsl proponent as they have little choice but to attempt such ridiculous tactics as their whole campaign is based on the ramblings of an ex phone psychic and a washed up journo and yet they wonder why Bsl is on it's way out big time?

So once again we bare witness to the foolish follies of some extremely sad and delusional individuals and the scariest thing of all is as you can see they believe their own lies and actually expect others to buy into their ruse too? 

more to come.....

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