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Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Nick De Rooy and the bullying continues unabated ?

It seems I've got a new stalker Nick De Rooy who seems to take great pleasure in posting stolen meme'd pics of me on Facebook all in the guise of public safety advocacy apparently and as we've all seen these people are not public safety advocates in fact the majority of them have criminal records including, stalking, domestic abuse, crack users and sellers, drunk driving, cannabis use and sales etc etc and at least one is currently serving time for abusing a minor hardly people in which you could invest much trust?

The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed updated their profile picture.
February 4
The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed
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Isabella Stack-Carson You forgot my photo.
The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed are you a part of Dogsbutt?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltFebruary 24 at 1:07pm
Isabella Stack-Carson No, I just hate retards like you who ignore logic and reason and disregard human life in favor of the lives of animals. Mongrels at that.
Sarcasm. Learn it.
UnlikeReplyMessage3February 24 at 1:18pmEdited
The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed I find it amusing how self righteous you folk are and considering you ignore the 128 victims of non banned breeds in order to kill all pit bulls is appalling but to claim others are the sick is hypocritical to say the least have a good day!! pmsl at your supposed outrage
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltFebruary 24 at 1:21pm
Isabella Stack-Carson No idea what pmsl means, I'm not a 17 year-old hood rat.
The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed don't fret your far worse because you should know better then to think people would swallow your garbage as statements of fact?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry HoltFebruary 24 at 1:23pm
Isabella Stack-Carson Are you high on something?! Your garbeldygook makes no sense.
Isabella Stack-Carson I can hook you up with some treatment centers for your addiction if you like...
Nick De Rooy Terry, your page is about, as popular, as a pork chop in a Jewish synagogue.
LikeReplyMessage1April 6 at 12:05am
The Anti Pitbull Propaganda Machine Revealed
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As you can all see for yourselves these people are bullies and stalkers that picture of me was sent via a private message and was never posted on Facebook and Mary Ann Redfern (Mad Dog Mazza) has admitted to stealing off my profile when she was stalking me and now all the pit bull haters find it acceptable to post stolen meme'd pictures as a normal part of their so called advocacy.

Unfortunately despite many reports Facebook seems to find this sort of behavior to be acceptable and refuses to remove the picture  so I figured I'd expose this moron myself please go to my page and report these abusive posts and maybe Facebook will finally get the message that bullying is unacceptable once and for all?

Ban the Bully!

more to come.....

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