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Saturday 30 April 2016

Donna Lynn Hope - "This showed up on my newsfeed via the Daily Mail. Most appear to be pits. While I loathe to see suffering of any kind, it did not surprise me to see which dogs were involved."

This is a true measure of just how despicably desperate breed specific legislation proponents (pit bull haters) are getting this story is from Bogota in Columbia and is a case of good intentions gone a rye ending in the animals paying the price but in some twisted sense of advocacy they feels it somehow proves their claims regarding pit bulls?

This showed up on my newsfeed via the Daily Mail. Most appear to be pits. While I loathe to see suffering of any kind, it did not surprise me to see which dogs were involved. Most of the comments on the fb thread were emotive with some being nonsensical. Commenters on the article thread were a bit more reasonable.
Here is an interesting comment from the article:
"This is exactly what I picture whenever I hear the expression "no-kill shelter". If you can't take proper care of an animal (and that includes the most advanced animal species, humans), it is your responsibility to put it down. No animal lives forever, but none should have to suffer like this."
This is the horrible moment when a pack of starving rescue dogs are forced to resort to cannibalism after being abandoned in an animal shelter in Colombia.
Jeffrey Sloan No, this is the horrible moment when dogs bred for centuries for animal torture and dog killing assert their genetic imperative
Like510 hrs
Harve Morgan Not all the dogs were engaging in this.
Like110 hrs
Hannah Honey Some looked perplexed. Or at least, furtive.
Like14 hrs
Julie Tran Most carnivores will turn to cannibalism when hungry enough.
Like9 hrs
Jeffrey Sloan Why the assumption that the pit bulls were hungry?
Like29 hrs
Hannah Honey They didn't all look to be starving.
Like14 hrs
Hannah Honey Dog eat dog world.

Now it's obvious by their comments none of them actually went to the actual news story as you can clearly see by the pictures I've posted from the original story the dogs involved were not pit bulls at all and had been abandoned with no food or water?

"The incident was reportedly filmed a few days after the staff left the dogs to their own devices, leaving them without food and water. 

For months now it has been known that things are not going as they should in this place. I went after a call to alert us and what we found was terrifying"

Abandoned: Dozens of dogs had been 'rescued' from the streets of the capital Bogota and taken to the animal shelter in central Colombia
No choice: Staff at the animal shelter had reportedly left the dogs with no food and water for days, forcing them to resort to cannibalism to survive
No choice: Staff at the animal shelter had reportedly left the dogs with no food and water for days, forcing them to resort to cannibalism to survive
Saved: Police reported finding some 50 animals 'in a deplorable state' when they came to the centre
Saved: Police reported finding some 50 animals 'in a deplorable state' when they came to the centre

Do they look like pit bulls to you?

Because they look like mixed breed mutts to me and the news article refers to them as "street" dogs abandoned and then rescued only to be abandoned again and now being used by the anti pit bull propaganda machine to further their kill all pit bulls cause?

This is foaming 101!

more to come.....

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