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Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Pit Bull Haters & Cognitive Dissonance

The pit bull haters hiding their murderous campaign to kill all pit bulls behind a noble alleged public safety advocacy have been hit with four more hits to their campaign.

Firstly there's the declaration that pit bulls are the new breed of police dogs/, and then ashland votes to lift ban on pit bulls followed promptly by news that Missouri bill would block cities from banning pit bulls and then to top it off therapy dogs return to the Boston marathon finish which was the topper causing the Ninja to create a meme to make all her hater mates feel a bit better and typically Lesley doesn't let the facts get in the road of a good old fashioned hatefest?

Lesley Karen Luscombe feeling sarcastic.
When you question the most valid source of ALL when it comes to dog attacks and fatalities CAUSED by dog attacks.....'s a good idea to have a counter-argument AND some proof to back you up.
Unless you are a Pit Bull protectionist. wink emoticon
Dana X Steven Renfrow Pit apologists do not know their ass from a hole in the ground, they actually think a fighting dog makes a perfect nanny dog
Like314 hrs
Lorde Faust Yeah, they think Pit Bulls are pets!
Like314 hrs

These people are truly unbelievable obviously suffering from cognitive dissonance which doesn't allow them to accept anything contrary to their core beliefs, do they think no-one knows how to use 'google" for instance if a person types in "DEBUNKING DOSBITE.ORG" the search comes up;

"About 3,100 results (0.36 seconds) "

This is the first response and an excerpt from the article with 
a live link, below that I'll list the first page.... 

The Truth Behind - KC DOG BLOG

The Truth Behind

" is not an "expert" organization when it comes to canine behavior. There, I've said it.
While it seems that lately, several media outlets have been treating them like they have a particular knowledge on the subject of dog bites and attacks (I'll get to a possible "why" on that later in the post), it doesn't erase the reality that is simply a website run almost entirely by an individual person who has an expertise in web design, access to google, and a desire to seek revenge on an attack that happened to her several years. Those are the qualifications behind the website. And it runs no deeper than that. And treating the website as anything more than that is a recipe bad information that will lead to less safe circumstances for people and dogs. Let me explain."



The fact is there's mountains of evidence out there confirming that all the legitimate animal organizations world wide not only don't support dogsbut more so they denounce both the organization and the people behind it none of whom are actual canine experts.

By supporting breed specific legislation they in essence ignore the 128 victims of non banned breeds in the last decade and ensure there will be another 128 victims of non banned breeds next decade too.

Especially for you Ninja!!!

more to come.....

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