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Thursday 28 April 2016

Lorde Faust bring your AK47 and some friends!!!

Now Lorde only real problem is everyone knows that Lorde is actually Cindy M Ballard and it's becoming increasingly clear the Cindy is actually "Clay Hundenshire Village Idiot" one of the creepiest, sleaziest individual breed specific legislation proponents I've had the misfortune of encountering while advocating for the forgotten 128 victims of non banned breeds in the last decade under breed specific legislation.

Riff raff Cheryl H threatened Uncle Terry's ex boyfriend by calling him out to a function overloaded with maulers and grippers and Terry's ex threatened to shoot the maulers.
Here are some lowlife responses and threats but none made to Cheryl for her initial threat.
Lorde Faust Apparently a Pit Bull victim on an article was being relentlessly baited and harassed by the Pit pigs and then one of the nutters invited the victim to a Pit Bull function where they would be surrounded by Pit Bulls and those that own them. In their horror, the Pit Bull victim stated something about coming with an AKA 47. What victim would not recoil in horror after a threat of being surrounded by Pit Bulls?
Like111 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow Sick disgusting fucks. They want to knock on my door? I would love that. Really.
Like11 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow I hope they get their asses beat.
Like11 hrs
Lorde Faust It seems like it is twofold. Disqus is upset that those who use their services allow this to go on and is threatening the loss of services those who permitted it until they resolve the issue. The other is they may ban the toothless wonder GLOBALLY from Disqus.
Like11 hrs
Dana X Steven Renfrow I hope so. I think everyone knows he is a weak link for any advocacy and just use him because charges would be harder to press a foreigner. That has to be it.
Like111 hrs

Now Lorde has intentionally not supplied a link because then everyone could see the context surrounding his/her AK47 comments and as I seen the whole conversation I can tell you "Clay" was ranting about pit bulls and their inherent dangers and Cheryl invited him around to meet her dog and get his face licked by her very passive pit bull and he/she responded by saying he was going to "come around with an AK47 and some friends".

Clay even went to the lengths of starting an investigation into the matter but unfortunately for him/her they forgot to delete all their own abusive comments and sexually perverted comments in Russian etc etc etc.

I welcome a formal investigation by Disqus because maybe then some of these fake named alias keyboard warriors will be booted from forums thus allowing adults to under take a sensible and reasonable conversation about the issues at hand without having your personal pictures stolen and posted on forums with the express intent of bullying their opposition into shutting up.

I advocate against Breed specific legislation as there's been 128 victims to non banned breeds under Bsl in the last decade and if left in place there'll be another 128 victims of non banned breeds in the coming decade too please reject Bsl in favor of breed neutral legislation which protects the community from all dogs and not just pit bulls?

more to come.....

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