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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Lorde Faust actively encouraging vigilantes after the killing of a family pet !!!

Now here's another shining example of the type of advocacy that these so called community safety advocates not only encourage but they actively promote this type of behavior in this instance a child was bitten so three men stole the persons pets and the dogs bullet riddled body was later found dumped like garbage.

Ah! Reminds me of the good old days when our judicial system did not accord Pit Bulls the same rights as humans.

DARLINGTON (WKOW) -- Darlington Police have taken into custody three men accused of stealing a dog and killing it, after biting a toddler. ..
Darcy Hussin Gray I can't blame the victims family!
Lorde Faust Used to be either the owner volunteered to euthanized or if they kept the dog, it never saw the light of day again, no oops involved.
Norberto Moran I can't condone this. Laws are there for a reason. You're saying this is the way it was, LF?
S.J. Martin So please tell me what you would do when, like so many, you're being threatened, your pets been killed, by a pit- then the authorities do NOTHING? Like Konda Richy, and tens of thousands of other examples where the victim did everything possible and nothing happened.
Like18 hrs
Norberto Moran Well, when our foster Pitbull went on to attack another dog I considered euthanizing her myself. Since she didn't actually belong to us, that would be wrong to do. But she had also become part of the family, despite her issues. A cold, calculated kill is not to be done lightly ever. You don't just say, oh I think I should do this and bam. I can't easily justify that morally. If in the heat of an attack, that is entirely different. One must stay calm, but if one must take extenuating measures to protect life and limb, then so be it. In the end we gave her back to the foster group. In hindsight, now that I know how the rescue org handled the whole thing (blaming us, minimizing her aggression and covering it up), I should have filed a police report and brought her to the Humane Society.
Like1 hrEdited

Now this is the true face of breed specific legislation advocacy which really equates to wanting to exterminate all pit bulls and they really don't care who they hurt so long as they achieve their goal?

Norberto had best brace himself for the onslaught from his fellow members in the pit bull problem as they don't take too kindly to anyone showing any compassion or empathy for either pit bulls or their owners so it's a fair bet he'll be booted from this group of mindless haters for daring to question their tactics.

more to come.....

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