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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Susie Iwicki blames pit bulls for her own poor choices and gets away with negligible homicide?

It seems to be the latest trend if you're a shitty ignorant owner that doesn't train and/or properly socialize your dogs, then add to that you took the puppies away from their mother when they were three weeks old which experts agree can lead to behavioral problems later in life?

If you want to evade negligible homicide charges after your dogs kill a child you're baby sitting just tell everyone they were pit bulls that'll give you a free pass according to the dogsbut crowd but only if you have a big old guzzle of the kool-aide and join them in their genocidal kill all pit bulls campaign?

Puppies Taken from Litter Too Soon Develop Behavior Problems as

Now in spite of the obvious dangers her lack of knowledge and/or anything resembling research on this matter she tries to blame the dogs by labeling them as being pit bulls in spite of the fact all the vet records for the dogs indicate they were boxer mixes?

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Susie Iwicki I took this photo 6 years ago today. The litter was 6 days old.
Vicki Kazanowski Maxwell You don't know why so important for those who have learned to educate others Lives can be saved
Lucy Muir Wow, very powerful meme.
Tony Solesky You can see how cute all of nature's little ones are, animal and human, it makes it obvious how people are emotionally disarmed about the dangerous future
Like116 hrs
Lisa Layton any tracking or follow-up on how they turned out? Who or what they maimed?
Like14 hrs
Susie Iwicki ANSWER: The dark brindle dog with the white stripe down his snout grew up to be Bosston, and the little dark colored puppy cuddled up to the left of him in the photo was Penny. BOSSTON & PENNY GREW UP TO KILL DAXTON BORCHART. They look so innocent, though, don't they?
Like14 hrs
Lucy Muir No one could know which of these well raised pits would grow up to be killers. That's why we need BSL.
Like13 hrs

Now the child's father had express instructions that her dogs were not allowed anywhere near his son and despite this Susie took the child into the back yard with the dogs which subsequently led to the child's death.

The first officer on the scene found Susie on the phone to her boyfriend the dogs were still freely roaming around the house and the victim was found in a separate room laying on a cold hardwood floor in the dead of winter he was naked and fatality injured struggling to breathe ALL ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The plain fact is this woman's actions led directly to the death of a child in her care and she's passing the buck by claiming the dogs were pit bulls and it seems to have worked on the victims family and the local police which I find disturbing to say the least especially considering her actions leaving the victim alone naked on a cold hard wood floor in the dead of winter while she called her boyfriend are contrary to all recommended trauma care suggestions and undoubtedly contributed to the child's death.

(RIP Daxton)

more to come.....

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