Mary Ricker Why should I? Why should I learn how to behave around dogs, read dog body language, or get involved in the community to stop irresponsible ownership and breeding, or to learn how to break up a dog fight? This is the great USA, land of the free, I don't need to learn any of this, especially because of somebody else's poor choice of breed. I don't have to learn any of this for Cockers, Beagles, German Shepherds, Collies or Poodles, yet you feel I must learn to do this for Pit Bulls. Let me repeat, this is the USA. I get to pick and choose my battles, you don't get to force me to accommodate yours. Since you promote PIt Bulls, YOU have to do all the above you mentioned, not me. In the meantime, while you fail at YOUR responsibilities, I will lead the pack promoting BSL targeting PIt Bulls. This is the battle I pick and choose to fight because you believe Pit Bulls belong in my community despite their dangerous track record and bloodsport genetics placed in the hands of the irresponsible like you. You believe everybody else must jump through hoops to ensure their safety so that people like you can be lazy and irresponsible and continue to point the finger at everybody else instead of placing the blame squarely where it lies, on yourselves and your bloodsport dogs.