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Friday, 6 February 2015

Julia Lewis - public safety advocate or pitbull hater?

ELLIS Bloodline's photo.
ELLIS Bloodline
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  • Beth Clifton likes this.
  • Christy Cornell Look at the weights on these pits. Smh. Of course, if they attack anyone, the pitters will deny they are pitbulls because they are higher weight than the old standards for APBT.
  • Heather Clemenceau Why are some of the dogs promoted as "shemales?"
    18 hrs · Like
  • Joanna McGinn You HAVE to take into account the amateur 'biologists' who think they can interbreed with the ever bigger, ever more 'game', ever more able to scale 12 ft fences and they breed the most aggressive bitch to the most aggressive stud.... hence the need for the 'rape stand'. It used to be that the ones doing this were affiliated with prison gangs but these scumbags have spread out and live in communities everywhere. They are essentially like cancers on the landscape.

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