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Sunday, 22 February 2015

Gail L Rosbach And dissected. It's pathetic our country is run by a bunch of disgusting fighting dogs and their Psychopath owners. And our lawmakers allow it. Wait until these dogs get a hold of some of their kids

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  • 5 people like this.
  • Julia Lewis Oh dear, usual PC nonsense! Good to put it up because it let's people know what we are up against. No word about genetics, of course. No word about what pit bulls were bred for(the truth really stings doesn't it Julia? LOL!!!!).
  • Julia Lewis Plenty of "ordinary" dogs are not socialised properly or even treated well, yet they don't go on the rampage, killing and mauling.(honestly if your cause had any real validity you wouldn't have to keep making these astoundingly ignorant comments which are bold faced lies?)
  • Jackie Jenkins That's what I don't understand, anyone can tell you they have encountered a stray dog. Stray dogs usually run away from people.(based on 0 years of experience working with strays)
  • Julia Lewis That's exactly it! They don't seek confrontation like pits do(more lies Julia?, tell the truth for once in your life, any and all dogs do and have attacked and killed humans darl mmk).
  • John Wright Well in my opinion normal dogs can be pushed to the point where they "SNAP" but for pits they're just kicking it into gear.
    Most dogs get aggressive if they are protecting food, puppies, territory are have been aggrieved to the point of no return. 
    Pits just like it, next time you see one attacking something notice how happy it looks.(I really am astounded by their observations, a dog attacking looks to be enjoying itself?)
  • Dawn Dalyce pits don't have to "snap" and act out of character to attack and maul and kill...that IS their's what they're bred to do... Pointers point, herd dogs herd, retrievers retrieve, mauler breeds maul.... why are some people still so stupid they can't understand genetics???????????????????????(and so how do you explain the attacks by non figthing breed dogs then, I won't hold my breathe waiting for an answer because you don't have one and that's the norm when faced with actual facts= DBO cultist?)Yesterday at 7:40am · Like · 4
  • Julia Lewis That's it. They are behaving according to their genetics, that's all. Perfectly normal, in fact.
  • Jan Smith These self-appointed 'experts' are like dolls with a tape recorder installed, playing back a recorded message if you press the button. Mindless.. Assimilated by the Pit Borg and unable to do anything but mouth dogma determined by their hive.( like Merrit and Borchardt you mean?)
  • John Wright Borg? Like on Star Trek where you had to assimilate?
  • Bill Justice Cryspel Wow, maybe they'll figure out they are not such experts as they thought they were and figure out the same thing most of us already know, lol. 
  • Gail L Rosbach I agree with Jan...If you have a dog trainer that is aware that Pit Bulls snap because thats what they do, if they were truthful and actually said that, they would be tarred and feathered and stoned all the way off the planet by Pit Bull Advocates. They would have a Facebook page up asking people to sign to have this trainer removed from his job. Pit Advocates would not be happy until the man was starving and living under a jumbo sized trash bag under a Freeway overpass somewhere, because he deserved it for" saying that" He is ignorant!(much like you crazy ladies do to anyone that disagrees with you all?)
  • Jan Smith John, yes Borg as in Star Trek.
  • Jan Smith Gail L, exactly -- "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. If you resist, you will be eliminated."
  • Gail L Rosbach And dissected. It's pathetic our country is run by a bunch of disgusting fighting dogs and their Psychopath owners. And our lawmakers allow it. Wait until these dogs get a hold of some of their kids
    Yesterday at 3:43pm · Like · 1 (always wishing harm on others typical DBO cultist attitudes)
  • Laurie Anne Dogs "snapping" is not normal, not in dogs, or their wild ancestors. A crazy wolf who didn't understand canine manners would be driven off. There are cultures in which dogs are really abused - spanish galgos and pit bulls come to mind - and yet they do not attack their tormenters, so the recently invented "self defense" explanation for attacking dogs is far fetched, and is, sadly, politically motivated.
    4 hrs · Like
  • John Wright I've been trying to catch a Bob tail blue healer that's hiding out behind the truck stop but it runs off every time I call it. 
    It may not speak English.
    4 hrs · Like
  • Jan Smith Start feeding the dog, give it time to observe you without you trying to approach it. It'll eventually trust you enough to follow without you even leashing it.

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