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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Thomas McCartney spams The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed

  • Thomas McCartney No you stated it wrong Andrew Leasure, i am just educating you, my bill is in the mail.!!!
  • Thomas McCartney Andrew Leasure Sadly one does not even have to search for the many attacks of these savage mutant undog's on humans and pets, there are literally hundreds of new incidents every day carried out by these disgusting creatures, here is another.

    These are
     all major daily newspapers and network TV station accurate factual reports with direct access to Doctors, ER's Animal control officers, Police, the victims family, witnesses, the guilty pit nutters, all in news reports from major city newspapers and TV stations, as legit therefore as it possibly can be.

    There is only one breed that has every been or is a threat to public safety and that is the pit bull, the sooner they are exterminated the sooner tragic attacks like the one below will be ended.

    Ban the breed and end the deed.

  • Thomas McCartney Andrew Leasure What about these numbers do you not understand?The following is a list of the top 10 dog breeds involved in dog attacks in the U.S. and Canada involving humans from September 1982 to December 31, 2013, based on a larger table compiled by Merritt Clifton, former editor of Animal People, an animal rights charity/news group. Clifton now is the editor of Animals 24-7.

    A Bullmastiff is considered a pit bull type dog and a pit bull mix between a pit bull and a mastiff and is 40% pit bull.

    Breed ****** Attacks doing bodily harm ****** Maimed ****** Deaths
    1. Pit bull **********2792 ***********************677 **********263
    2. Rottweiler *******514 ************************294 **********81
    3. Bull Mastiff ******105 ************************61 ***********15
    4. German Shepherd 102 **********************63 ***********15
    5. Wolf Hybrid ******85 *************************49 ***********19
    6. Akita **************68 ************************50 ************8
    7. Boxer *************62 ************************29 ************7
    8. Chow *************58 ************************39 ************7
    9. Pit bull/Rottweiler mix 50 ********************15 ************15
    10.Labrador ********50 *************************39 ************3

    The report states that the numbers are compiled from press accounts dating to 1982. It only includes attacks by dogs of clearly identified breed type or ancestry, as designated by animal control officers or others with evident expertise, which have been kept as pets.

    All accounts are cross-checked by date, location and identity of the victim, according to the report.
    Attacks by police dogs, guard dogs and dogs trained specifically to fight are not included in the report.
  • Thomas McCartney What about this do Pit bull advocates not understand.???????????

    Pit bull type dogs are 6% of the US dog population yet they carry out

    over 99% of the 50,000 killings by dogs last year of Human Beings, pets, livestock etc., this is NOT acceptable, get it.!!

    Every year even if they survive Thousands of Human victims are disfigured & or crippled for life after being horribly mauled by these mutant undogs.!!

    If 50,000 cars were killing a person or pet or livestock a piece then that car would be banned even if there were 5 million more of them that harmed no one.!!!!!

    If there were 30,000 drunk drivers involved in incidents with over 17 million not involved

    (over 1.5 million drunk drivers arrested every year in the US) as over 30,000 pit bull type dogs were involved with attacks last year, with 3,170,000 pit bull type dogs that WEREN'T involved in attacks?

    Would there still be a BAN on drunk Drivers?

    Oh wait..................Hummmmmmmmmm there is one isn't there, Ooops you be so busted.!!!

    More then 70,000 attacks by pit bull type dogs last year against people, pets and livestock of which resulted in over 45,000 deaths of Human Beings, pets, livestock etc. by over 30,000 pit bull type dogs in those attacks with the number likely double this year that Kill, Maul, Maim, Disfigure, Dismember, cause Life Flights or trips to the Intensive Care Unit.

    With a human being usually am child killed every 7 days this year, what about those numbers do you NOT understand Pit Nutters??????

  • Thomas McCartney Andrew Leasure one you are an obfuscator and as well you are a liar in the classical sense of the word hiding behind a classical pit bull advocate talking point, you say you are not for pit bulls and then you say you are for and love Bully breeds when pit bulls are Bully Breeds in effect and you are trying to hide behind a semantical argument, next you will say only pure breed pit bull terriers count and the rest of the attacks are just mutts because the NCRC has not anointed the attacking ones as pit bull terrier, Boooooring you need to come up with newer material, we are talking about the Pit bull type dog here of which the pit bull terrier is one and which include ALL Bully breeds.
  • Thomas McCartney Furthermore Andrew Leasure to accuse me of blaming the victim is comical at best and more of the same old blame the other for what i do and then you take credit for what the other said, again Booooooooooring, the Victim which pit nutters such as your self are almost always blaming is NEVER at fault, the only fault lies in the Pit bull type dog that kills, mauls & mutilates for the sheer joy that it gains from such actions.

  • Thomas McCartney Hey Andrew Leasure if the muzzle fits wear it, you addressed me not ppl and yes you are a liar.Pit bull type dog advocates are invariably a classic Star Trek moment where Capt.Kirk turns to Mr.Spock and as he says
    "Beam me up Scottie, there is no intelligent life down here."
  • Thomas McCartney Andrew Leasure Simply put, border collies do not herd sheep because they are raised on sheep farms; rather, they are raised on sheep farms because they herd. In addition pointers point, retrievers retrieve, and mastiffs guard, all because those traits are part of their breed expectations, meaning strong and continuous selection in the underlying breeding program "

    Pit bulls do not attack because they are raised with dog fighters and drug dealers, dog fighters and drug dealers use pit bulls because they attack!

    It is their nature, their genetic truth and reality.!!
    It is not how you raise them rather it is simply what they are.!!
    Just like sled dogs run and pull, it is just their nature.!!

    A pit bull type dog is what it is and does what it is.You can no more alter it genetic makeup then you can a collies to herd, a hounds to track, a retriever's to retrieve, a labs to swim, a pointers to point, a sled dog to run and pull.

    They do what they are and a pit bull type dog is a mauling violent killer that has been bred to be a land shark, nothing you do can change that, even if you have them from birth. 

    No matter if you love them, or how you nurture, train, rehabilitate, raise them optimally as normal dogs from birth, you can not change their Genetic reality to Kill, Maul, Maim, Disfigure, Dismember, cause Life Flights or trips to the Intensive Care Unit.

    For over 800 years the current pit bull type dog was brought into being through careful selective genetic breeding to create the most violent murderous fighting dog possible.No matter how you won them they are what they do and you can NOT change this genetic reality.

Thomas McCartney Andrew LeasureReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeturn to Me.......................................No matter what you identify them as or what you choose to call them if any dog has pit bull genetics in it then the outcome of said genetics are always the same, death, mauling's, crippled and disfigured victims when their DNA is expressed into reality which it invariably will be the case.

So you can call them something else to protect them but they are still pit mixes who are what they are and do what they do, who as a result have no right to ever come into human contact.

Pit bull or Pit bull cross, same difference same outcome same reality as to what they are.

And all Pit bulls or restricted dogs including pit bull crosses by law should have leashes and Muzzles which they never have and all to often you seem them running around as such unmuzzled, this is an even greater problem then them being unleashed and that is bad enough.

Thomas McCartney Andrew Leasure In fact, 96% of all pit bulls are dumped by a shelter at their owners before their 6th birthday due to aggression problems. Many of the few left go on to maul or kill in their old age. This whole business of 'not all pit bulls are aggressive' is just another pit bull type dog advocate delusion.What does this tell you about the actuarial realities and the likely hood of an attack.?

'Most pit-bull type dogs have not hurt anyone` is a statistically unsupportable pernicious myth. A third of the pit bull population is being impounded or surrendered to shelters each year, primarily for dangerous behavior.

A third are under one year old. What that means is that among pit bulls who have reached sexual maturity, there is a 50% chance that the dog will get into some sort of trouble leading to the dog going to a shelter each and every year.

That's a 50% chance at age 2, a 50% chance at age 3, a 50% chance at age 4, etc. If a pit bull lives to age 10, the odds are actually quite high that the pit bull will have hurt someone

Thomas McCartney Over the last 800 years Pit bull type dogs were Breed to kill Bears, Bulls & Large draft horses in the pit and then later each other in dog fights, that is what they are and they are what they do, Kill, Maul, Maim, Disfigure, Dismember, cause Life Flights or trips to the Intensive Care Unit.They are fine when they are stuffed or in a zoo but other then that they are not fit for human interaction.

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