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Saturday 28 February 2015



Sorry I had to remove the other video because of all the negative comments directed towards my mother. 

Changed a few settings then added the aftermath photo since i had a few people that wanted to see it.
As for the dog in the video yes he was held for a mandatory 10 day holding period to ensure he didnt show any signs of rabies. My sister did not want to release the animal to be euthanized even though he almost killed our mother.(well I'd say it bit her) 

The only reason the dog was at my moms was because my sister got kicked out of where she was living and had no place to put the dog. 

The 3 children that you saw in the video are my sister's kids. my parents are raising them because my sister is just not a good person when it comes to taking care of anyone/anything but herself. so when she was asked did she want to surrender Kilo she had to think about it.

 After speaking with animal control they informed us that because she left the dog there for more than 30 days that he was considered my parents' dog and that she had abandoned him. My dad went there the next day and signed the papers to have him euthanized. 

This dog had not been kept around the children and the entire time he was around he had to be kept away from them because he kept knocking them down every time they would try to run by. 

Even I went there and tried to teach him basic commands "sit, stay, no, and to not jump." The dog was unwilling to learn and continued to exhibit dominant behaviors.(you do realize that dogs can sense when someone doesn't like them as quickly as they sense fear?)

I begged my mom to get rid of him and she was terrified that someone else like my sister would get a hold of him and continue to breed him or use him for dog fights. (did you think to get a trainer, the dog can't use telephones)

My mom was determined to make him a part of the family and was holding out hope that he would adjust to our family. 

Even my dad wanted to get rid of him(hardly a loved family pet type situation is it) and told my sister several times to come get her dog, but she did not. It came to a point that I stopped going down there because I did not like the dog especially being around my daughter.

Even though Kilo was dumb and stubborn even I did not see this coming. (aren't you the one writing this you've just mentioned plenty of signs?)

He had no warning signes or indication of being nuerotic or anxious around people.(so other then the fact he was untrainable and stubborn and dumb and had to be locked up or restrained so he wouldn't knock the kids over, other then that he seemed fine?)

He did not growl snarl or show any signs of aggression. (well if you watch the video he showed plenty of signs) He just turned for no apparent reason. (no reason!, your mum was unknowlingly triggering the attack by squeling suddenly standing up and waving her arms around and the dog reacted?) 

Even though he almost killed my mom(really almost killed?, he bit her on the face ?), she still was very upset at the situation.

My least favorite part about this story was talking to the people at animal control to find out that my irresponsible sister had previously been to the emergency room for dog bites with this dog(no signs eh, see there was signs you just didn't know about them and the dog can't speak so who's fault is that, sounds like an owner issue to me?) and then still brought him to the home where her children and our parents were I completely blame my sister for this.(and pitbulls in general obviously)

Unfortunately we cannot pick or choose who we are related to, but I can tell you that i do not consider her family to me. 

This is just one incident on a long line of past and present screw ups she has dragged us through.

So your sister is testimony to the fact that the problems lay with owners and not dogs?

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