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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Craven Desires using Paris terror victims?

Craven Desires stoops to making associations between pit bulls and the Paris terror attacks just when I thought I'd seen it all these people are truly depraved?

famous pit bull owner: Ismael Omar Mostefai
"He wore an Islamic robe and had a short beard, neighbours said. Corinne, 54, said police had taken away his pit bull dog after complaints that he left it unmuzzled."
Mostefai cut his terrorist teeth on his neighbors before working his way up to Paris.
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Tricia Malone Great find. Wow.
Craven desires credit goes to anonymous craven reader.
Lisa Padgett OMG! LOL pounding head on table
Craven desires fyi, apparently that is terrorist Ismael Omar Mostefai under the white sheet.
Stacey Westover Pit bulls and terrorism go together well

Typically as is the case with the majority of their claims they present absolutely no actual evidence or proof to support their story which they claim comes from an "anonymous craven reader" which is code for it's utter BS!

more to come.....

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