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Thursday, 5 November 2015

James Lee is back after his break from hate!

As you can see the facebook hate page "Craven Desires" uses the same juvenile tactics they provoke people by attacking them and their pets then when they respond in kind to these people screen shots of the response flood their hate pages minus their comments.

“@cravendesires when my pitbull shows aggression towards other dogs or people.... I love it.. That's my little killer and it's awesome”
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Mark Forbs
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Craven desires
“@JordanMeyer1 @cravendesires @AnimalFarmFndtn and @KDelise would be proud.”
Lesley Karen Luscombe Nail him, Craven. POS.
Lesley Karen Luscombe James Lee - where did YOU get to? Long time, no see.
James Lee i just took a hate hiatus . u might say . mingy old terry finally got to me .
LikeReply1November 3 at 11:51pmEdited
James Lee nice couple . neck tats always make me laugh . looks cartoonish , or something .
James Lee dawn ....she has a look of crystal but much slimmer .
Mark Forbs
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Carol Miller Pit bull owners, making friends for their dogs, one at a time. 

Helloooo doofus? You are doing zero for the pit bull advocacy cause except expose the mindset of the typical pit bull owner to the peaceful public.

Exact same tactics stalk their victims profile for pictures then block them so they can't see the crap they all post, they're gutless cowards!

James Lee gets all butthurt because I expose his lies and abuse, you keep posting and I'll keep on exposing you James! Who are you calling Dawn? AH Craven is Dawn James!

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