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Saturday, 28 November 2015

Mary Ann Redfern helping me build a bullying, harassment case against her! Pmsl!!!!

Mary Ann Redfern I formally challenge you to put up or shut up, you're are a stalker you've stolen my pictures and meme'd them and you've been posting them everywhere I call you out on your lies and blatant defamation and unfortunately for you I bred my dogs and can prove their heritage.

Mary Ann Redfern

For those of you who may not be aware, Terry Holt is an Australian who comes on American pit bull mauling, maiming and killing threads and speaks on behalf of pit bulls..attempting to keep them plentiful and readily available here in the USA. Terry does this by means of dozens of profiles under other than his own name and "blogs" dedicated solely to attempting to denigrate and humiliate those who are in favor of Breed Specific Legislation for certain breeds of dangerous dogs ie pit bulls. Terry himself owns a pit bull (he will tell you it is a Dane, but I have a pic and it is a pit bull), even though pit bulls are banned in his own country. Terry spends almost all of his available time attempting to tear down BSL. In Terry's mind, he is an honorable "member" of those who a dvocate on behalf of the bully breeds here in America. In reality, he is a joke...even among those he believes respect him.
  Reply to Mary Ann Redfern

Unlike Mary Ann I can prove what I say and I oppose breed specific legislation because even if it did work it would only stop the 60% of dog bite related deaths which involve banned breeds/types of dog and that's not good enough, owner specific legislation covering all breeds all owners is the only solution?

Anyone who has encountered this nasty lady knows how intrusive she can be which seems to be the norm among bsl proponents and they really don't care to be exposed as you can see by her fact less baseless rant.

Mary Ann seems to think she's exposing me but the only slight flaw in her plan to threatening me into shutting up is that her allegations are exactly that, allegations from an extremely unbalanced fanatic with no basis is the real world.

Keep them coming Mary Ann I'm building a pretty strong case against you, with your help of course!

PMSL!!!!! = Pissing My Self Laughing (fyi)


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