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Monday, 23 November 2015

Jeff Borchardt at least while he's attacking shelters he's not stalking our women and children?

Jeff Borchardt has been banned from Wisconsin Humane Society facebook page for trolling/spamming posts and now he's enlisting his troops to go buuly the page and interfere with their adoptions this is public safety advocacy Borchardt style.

Does the Wisconsin Humane Society think removing comments and banning people trying to raise awareness is going to stop innocent people from learning the hard way about the dangers of keeping fighting breeds as pets?
10 people like this.
Ron Schwarzott Did they ban you
Like218 hrs
Like118 hrs
Thomas McCartney Pit nutter scum as is all to often the case in Humane societies across the country, sick delusional human haters.
Like318 hrs
Ron Schwarzott What did you say that got u banned but not the guy who said you made up your sons death
Like317 hrs
Lorde Faust Makes me want to go over there and get banned too!
Like318 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Everyone needs to go get banned.
Like518 hrs
Marie McGrath Will do my
Like4 hrs
Lorde Faust I saw where he posted that you never had a child and you made it up by copying and pasting.
Like118 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Because I was dropping my kid off at a sitter's because I wanted to troll the internet. Not because I was working.
Like418 hrs
Rachel Simas Right, you were just inexplicably out there trolling online and hating on pit bulls before your son was killed. That explains why you left him with a sitter who owns pit bulls. Smh.
Like518 hrs
Rachel Simas I left them a negative review, they can't block and delete that.
Like618 hrs
Jeff Borchardt These people cannot compete in the arena of ideas. They cannot have an honest debate without personal attacks and character assassination.

Every single time I post the facts and pitters attack me, I think to myself, "If it happens to you, you can't say you didn't know."
Like1318 hrs
Stephanie Snier Butler I read so many comments from the pit nutters and have been called everything under the sun - but there are still comments like this that still sting my heart. I am so sorry that people actually have that thought process. 😕
Like1018 hrs
Lorde Faust Jeff Borchardt That is because they have NOTHING to support their nonsense.
Like818 hrs
Rachel Simas I tell them flat out, 'don't say no one ever warned you'. For some reason they get their panties in a super twist and go on an unintelligible rant whenever I do....? 😇
Like918 hrs
Lori Welbourne Wow. Did you report this Jeff? I'm sure it's totally A-OK with FB. They deleted more of my pictures yesterday of children's faces after getting attacked. The truth is not okay - but sick harassment like this is just fine frown emoticon
Like517 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Excuse me Karen? The only reason you know about that page is because you are trolling THIS page.
Like416 hrsEdited
Jeff Borchardt I was doing fine using my real name on a page from MY home state until they banned me.
Like316 hrs
Carol Miller Jeff Borchardt , this remark from Karen who trolls the internet from her home in New Zealand. She has been known to complain when I comment on an Ohio attack because I don't live in the particular community, she does not live in the hemisphere. Logic?
Like716 hrs
Lorde Faust Jeff Borchardt Thank you Jeff! That explains so much of that!
Like113 hrs
Lorde Faust Jeff Borchardt Mike Okey is pure slime.
Like113 hrs
Lori Welbourne Mike Okey can't be a real person. If he is - he's DEMENTED and EVIL beyond words.
Like13 hrs
Lorde Faust Lori Welbourne He's real and got a nice little profile on here, except he doesn't post pictures of him in his clown costume.
Like13 hrsEdited
Jeff Borchardt These are the "boxer-mixes" that killed Daxton.
Like212 hrs
Carol Miller Jeff Borchardt . Mike Oakey just makes stuff up and has boldly been doing that for quite some time now. When actual facts are produced he froths at the mouth. Lorde is correct, he is slime. He has all these "actual facts and truths" from his home in California, I think that's where he lives. Picture him in that silly hat Johnny Carson used to wear when he did the Carnac the Magnificent bit.
Like28 hrs
Sonya Del Rio Cerezo What a POS that person is!
Not surprised though, that is typical nutter hate.
Like1 hr
Matt Linden People of the lie.
Like318 hrs
Thomas McCartney Just speak the truth, spread it far and wide and those that listen shall be set free and those that do not will have willingly dug their grave.
Like317 hrs
Jeff Borchardt Hard to spread the word when your words are being censored.
Like517 hrs
Chris Blomskog Sometimes the best way to avoid censorship or being sued is to put your comments in question form. I did that on the Burnaby SPCA site about a Pitbull people were saying was a cute nanny dog. I knew Burnaby still has a muzzling law, so I asked "Aren'tPitbulls banned in Burnaby due to their statistics?" They replied with "no, but there are restrictions" and included a link to 20 pages of bylaws. I could tell they were rattled as they posted pics of previously adopted pits without muzzles. Denise
Like317 hrs
Thomas McCartney I think that is why i avoid the pit nutter/no kill nutters/dog nutters timeline and page which include any organization that advocates for dogs as they will always take the dogs side normal or otherwise and just delete and block you so there seems no point as they are a lost cause.
Like417 hrs
Nancy Perdue It's sad I sure have lost my respect for the Humane Society. They and many other animal rights organisations are in on pushing dogs that shouln't be on society. there must be big money coming in for adopting out individual animals that they know are dangerous.
Like517 hrs
Tony Solesky UNCONSIONABLE!! that the ASPCA wud allow the adoption of this animal. I have lost all respect for this organization.
Like416 hrs
Dawn Lehr My local Humane Society (in WIsconsin) deleted every single comment I ever made on their FB too.
Like416 hrs
Ron Schwarzott Jeff now they are saying that report you posted is not science either (I cut and pasted)
Like214 hrs
Jeff Borchardt What report? The 2011 Texas study? Laughable.
Like12 hrs
Ron Schwarzott Yes that's the one
Like12 hrs
Matt Linden They give no information about this particular dog. They also give no information about the added challenges that come with owning a pit bull. These humane societies have bought into the propaganda that owning one of these dogs is no different from owning a cocker spaniel.
Like414 hrs
Kelly Johnson They tell themselves all of our stories of attacks are made up. They refuse to accept there is video and photographic proof in some cases. When I'm out w my dogs, I'm more aware of how I will protect us and possibly having to use my weapon for self defense than my phone for video. They are all not worth our time to argue with. They are all under the nutter spell.
Like213 hrs
Lorde Faust Well they all certainly have something wrong with their heads. Who could hate kittens, puppies, and babies so much and not have a mental disease?
Like113 hrs
Dan Saeger MBO showed up for a brief moment that she made a comment on my post, but then it wasn't there?
Like9 hrs

And as you can see they all jump on the crazy train and attack his victim like good little sheep the only saving grace is while he's attacking shelters he's not promoting poisoning neighborhood pets with anti-freeze if they look like pit bulls and he's not stalking women & children or telling 12 year old girls to smear their pussy with peanut butter and let their mauler lick it off?

more to come.....

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