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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Thomas McCartny is a fake, Pat Dunaway? (LIAR)

Thomas McCartny is actually Pat Dunaway and as you can see Pat can't identify pit bulls either as she claims a Rotti involved in a recent fatality is actually a pit bull mix, Pat's a special kind of stupid please remember this sort of ignorance is learned not born.

32 dead by dog attack in the US & Canada so far in 2015.
27 killed by known pit bull type dogs / pit bull mixes, which include
so-called 'breeds' like Bullmastiffs and American Bulldogs.
Stars (**) indicate that the killer was someone’s beloved family pit bull that was never abused or neglected.
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6 people like this.
Karen Branson I thought the Nov 13th death by the newly adopted dog was a Rottweiler?
Thomas McCartney Just looking at it there is no doubt it is not 100% Rottie and as i look at it what i see is Pit Bull/Rottie Mix in the photos that were provided of that specific dog.
Like140 mins
Karen Branson Ok, yeah I did think that too when I saw the pics. The eyes are always a give away.
Like130 mins
Sabra Steele can you post a pic of the dog? I didnt get to see it

The fact is this is just one of many examples of the willingness of breed specific legislation advocates to lie and deceive the public at large.

Unfortunately they have no other choice because their whole hate campaign is based around Merrit Clifton and Culleen Lynn lies and propaganda.

more to come.....

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