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Monday, 4 January 2016

Gwendolyn Hanan - Victims Advocate or CyberBully?

Gwendolyn has a strange victim advocacy style which seems more like victim bashing to me, now I'm no lawyer but isn't using electronic media to share and then "cause" harm to the subject of the share by definition cyber stalking?

This is normal operating procedure for breed specific legislation proponents to bully and harass anyone that opposes and/or disputes their fanatical rants on public forums usually leading to a "call to arms" in one of their hate groups where they orchestrate their attacks.

What is cyberstalking? - Definition from

 is a crime in which the attacker harasses a victim using electronic communication, such as e-mail or instant messaging (IM), or messages posted to a Web site or a discussion group. A cyberstalker relies upon the anonymity afforded by the Internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected."

Sure seems what's happening in the post below?

They put this tripe out to prove how benign an ex fighting pit bull is. Yet, knowing how the pitophelia works, the fact that they do not film her inside the kennel means they couldn't ..... nothing says benign like maintaining a concrete ans steel barrier between yourself and the sweet pibbles.


I cried watching this, please stop dog fighting
3 people like this.
Aaron Wood we all know pits can go from kiss to kill in the blink of an eye. It may wag now, but the next time she feeds it, there's every chance it might "go pit" and rip her to shreds.
Like320 hrs
Lisa Gaffney Maybe she should climb in there with him and make a few squeal noises with nobody else around.
Like319 hrs
Mcdandy Lion survival of the smartest....that thing should be put down.
Like318 hrs
Stephanie Snier Butler Wonder his reaction to waking up with all the commotion of little children ????😬
Like318 hrs
John Wright Or bringing another dog within reach.
Ever notice that a lot of them wag their tails while they are killing something?

Like618 hrs
Joanna McGinn "Love" ins a human construct of behaviors projected onto animals... at least in PB's cases because they are NOT 'normal dogs'... there were and are bred to FIGHT... normal dogs are not.
Like418 hrs
Lorde Faust It is a dog fighting Pit Bull, where are the scars? I cry bogus!
Like314 hrs
John Wright Just how do they know that it's the first time anybody has ever petted that dog?
You don't think that they would just make things up do you?

Like214 hrs
Lorde Faust That is another lie you see all the time too! Dog fighters love, cherish and prize their pit fighters.
Like113 hrs
Marty Johncox If it's "all how you raise 'em," this dog has been raised to attack and kill other dogs. Obviously it is a threat. The might as well pet it with a long stick through the bars.

These people have created their own words and seem to display all the characteristics consistent with mental illness the cult like mindset is disturbing coupled with their social media attacks and associated threats and stalking.

There seems to be a core group of less then 20 very active participants in what can only be described as a purposeful hate and revenge driven genocidal attack on pit bulls motivated by an irrational fear of dogs.

This post and the many just like it among their hate groups are testimony to their true purpose as victim advocacy groups actually focus on helping the victims as opposed to killing the perpetrator and exterminating the type/breed.

Is this really advocating or just old fashioned "Bullying"????

more to come.....

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