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Friday, 1 January 2016

James Lee - " i just assume if theyre not concerned much about their kids safety they probably wont mind me borrowing their publicly posted pics LOL ."

According to James Lee if someone owns a pit bull it's ok to stalk their Facebook account and steal pictures of their children but he's not the only one this is normal operating procedure for breed specific legislation advocates because they have no facts, stats or data actually supporting their claims so they resort to stalking and bullying to try and stop the truth from getting out?
Sounds like a certain DJ/BSL Advocate/Victims advocate that we know....
All Things Foamers
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James Lee i just assume if theyre not concerned much about their kids safety they probably wont mind me borrowing their publicly posted pics LOL .
All Things Foamers I expected nothing less then an opinion like this from you James Lee it's actually cyber stalking ??
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry Holt18 hrs
James Lee no its not .
LikeReplyMessage5 hrs
All Things Foamers seems like you're too stupid to know good advice when it's given, looks like you'll have to learn your lesson the hard way then? if you stalk someone's facebook page steal their pics and then post them ridiculing them , that's cyber stalking James Leebut you'll obviously have to learn the hard way, i hope you can fight James or you'll end up being someones bitch!!! andI'll be laughing and laughing!!!
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry Holt5 hrs
James Lee well , im sure not worried about becoming your bitch , you already have one in the form of a pit bitch . poor ugly thing .
LikeReplyMessage4 hrs
All Things Foamers James Lee I wouldn't be interested sorry I'm fairly picky as to who I associate with and if you weren't here commenting on my page we wouldn't be interacting at all.
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry Holt2 hrs
All Things Foamers

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James Lee Tough pittie .
LikeReplyMessage17 hrs
All Things Foamers do you write all your own material James Lee!! pmsl at you inept attempts to justify your stance in spite of the over whelming amount of information to the contrary?
LikeReplyCommented on by Terry Holt

As you can see James is a power unto himself and seems to think he's excluded from the new stalking and cyber bullying laws all of which he breaks on a daily basis numerous times!

STOP cyberbullying: What is cyberbullying, exactly?

"Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. ... Once adults become involved, it is plain ...

Cyberbullying - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cyberbullying is the act of harming or harassing via information technology networks in a repeated and deliberate manner. According to U.S. Legal Definitions, ...

James Lee is not a public safety advocate he's a troll, a cyber bully and a stalker by his own admission!

more to come.....

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