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Thursday, 14 January 2016

Sandra Fuller seems to need counselling not these people enabling her Cynophobic tendencies?.

These people seem to have an over inflated sense of self entitlement in spite of the fact that every main steam animal organization in the world rejects breed specific legislation they still promote it in the guise of victims advocacy community safety orientated public service whereas in actual fact they seem to be using Bsl to hide there true intentions.

Here's just a few of the animal organizations rejecting breed specific legislation as a legitimate means to address the rate of dog bite related fatalities......

(alphabetic order)
American Bar Association has also rejected breed specific legislation......

American Bar Association
Resolution 100
(click above for direct link)
Urges Adoption of Breed-Neutral Dog Laws
Resolution adopted 8/6/2012
"RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges all state, territorial, and local legislative bodies and governmental agencies to adopt comprehensive breed-neutral dangerous dog/reckless owner laws that ensure due process protections for owners, encourage responsible pet ownership and focus on the behavior of both dog owners and dogs, and to repeal any breed discriminatory or breed specific provisions."

Sandra seems to be experiencing Cynophobia which is an irrational fear of dogs generally it's all dog but for Sandra it seems to be specifically pit bulls.

When All Dogs Are Bad Dogs – Cynophobia - Calm Clinic

Well I must be a magnet for pibbles and their owners.Had another scary incident.Kid on a skate letting his pibbles pull him.Dog literally jerked him off his skate board and to his knees in an effort to come after my dogs.I had my Udap Bear spray already uncapped and ready to go.Had my kitchen knife in my bag too.I got out of there asap and didn't take my eyes off that dog until I was out of sight.Very nerve racking.Cant even walk to the dog park now.This is so frustrating.Very thankful that leash held and the kid was strong enough or I'd probably been in the news tonight.
14 people like this.
DJuana Jean Flowers I don't know why but I have had several run-ins with dogs when I walk mine. My husband encountered a pit and his monkey at the vet last week. Said the dog was growling but the monkey just laughed and said he's a big baby line. Little did that know that his baby was 4 ft away from getting shot.
Like1113 hrs
Sandra Fuller Yes sadly it looks like I will renewing my ccw and buying another gun in the near future.Was hoping to avoid the expense.
Like613 hrsEdited
DJuana Jean Flowers Good idea.
Like213 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers already notorious in my neighborhood for speaking out against Pit bulls , I might go ahead and open carry (Texas) when I walk my dogs. LOL It could only add to the legend.
Like713 hrs
Sandra Fuller Unfortunately Florida isn't there yet with ccw open carry,but it's coming.
Like313 hrsEdited
DJuana Jean Flowers To be honest we are not fans of open carry but it might be fun just to make the neighbors talk about Granny and her gun.
Like512 hrs
Sandra Fuller I like because it will legally protect a ccw holder if their gun gets exposed accidentally.Otherwise I will keep mine concealed.
Like312 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers Oh I hadn't thought of that. More concerned with somebody taking mine away from me !
Like212 hrs
Sandra Fuller Yes Florida ccw holders have gotten arrested if their gun is even briefly accidentally exposed.
Like12 hrsEdited
Joanna McGinn not in Nevada
Like12 hrs
Linda Ann DJuana Jean Flowers I love. It....if I lived in neighborhood with pits....i would always open carry in Texas!
Like210 hrs
DJuana Jean Flowers Sandra Fuller , omg. that figures.
Like10 hrs
Rebecca Furr DJuana Jean Flowers There ya go wink emoticon
Like2 hrs
Sarah May Like a good card player, don't let them see what you have.
Like112 hrs
Linda Ann Nah...neighbor with pits....I want them to know that I'm armed because as we all know the only thing they care about is precious pibbles and heck with your child or pet....but when they know you're armed they are much more motivated to restrain their maulers.
Like310 hrs
Leanne Deetz We have people bring their ugly pits to my kids school And let them.loose during soccer practice. Such a scary thing. I always leave right away. Do you think the bear spray would work? I'm interested in what it is.
Like311 hrs
Sandra Fuller Udap Bear spray would be better than nothing.I found out the hard way how nasty the stuff is.I got small dose of it and I couldn't breath!Better be downwind of it,if you spray it.
Like310 hrs
Linda Ann Makes me glad my daughter isn't into outdoor sports because I don't think I can handle being in public like that without my gun! If people can bring their pits, I need to be able to bring my gun!
Like510 hrs
Lorena McGovern I'm dubious of pepper spray. My pit bull was sprayed by a neighbor once (for barking) and my neighbor told me later that all the dog did was sniffle, shake his head, and continue barking.
Like110 hrs
Linda Ann Jan Smith you know what I found so interesting about that video clip was how quickly dogs owners found their way outside when it was to investigate what happened to precious pibbles. Couldn't care less if pibbles had attacked someone but let pibbles get hurt by someone protecting themselves and they're outraged. I can't believe how many people poured out of that tiny damn house like cockroahes in defense of pibbles.
Like310 hrsEdited
Sandra Fuller Think they came out because pibbles was covered in it and got a taste of it!Trust me this is some truly nasty vile stuff.My can was still unlocked/secured after I got back from walking my dogs it fell off the counter hit the lever and squirted out alittle and within 20 seconds I couldn't breath!Never knew I could produce so much snot!Took 20 minutes for the house to clear out.
Like310 hrsEdited
Linda Ann Oh...that makes sense....just added benefit 
Like9 hrs
Dawn Dalyce better arms
Like27 hrs

The general consensus among these people is they're victims advocates they don't seem to see anything wrong with specializing in pit bull victims and they seem to have a "the end justifies the means" type mentality there's only one hitch is breed specific legislation doesn't work.

Will breed-specific legislation reduce dog bites?

Full text

complete article

If you read the comments under Sandra's post these people seem to expect the rest of the world to cater to their irrational fear of the whole population of a breed/type based on their experience with a dog that may or may not have been a pit bull in spite of the issues relating to identifying pit bulls.

A former Ohio dog warden, Tom Skeldon, who was called as an "expert" on behalf of the City of Toledo in the matter of Toledo v. Tellings testified that there is really no way to tell if a dog is or is not a pit bull, and the determination is made by animal control officers' subjective judgment.  Toledo v. Tellings, 2006 WL 513946 (Ohio App. 6 Dist) March 2006

[Breed bans] carry with them too much potential for arbitrary or improper enforcement:  inaccurate breed identification by officials and difficulty enforcing breed bans against mixed-breed.  Source:  AnimalLaw
[W]e conclude that the subjective identification of pit bulls may often include both non-pit bulls or dogs which are not vicious...[laws] based upon that identification process, we conclude that they are unconstitutionally vague.  Toledo v. Tellings, 2006 WL 513946 (Ohio App. 6 Dist) March 2006

Give it a go yourself......

Find the Pit Bull

Claiming that the cause of what they term to be a dog bite epidemic is directly related to breed when 38% of dog bite related deaths involve non banned breeds is deliberately misleading the community and coupled with the fact that hundreds of thousands of innocent pit bulls died in shelters last year and the year before the death toll was nearly twice the national average for the previous two decades seemingly affirms that it's not a breed problem it's a "dog" problem.

The sad irony is that the majority of pit bulls abandoned at shelters is not as a result of "aggression issues" as some misguided pro-Bsl goons will insist , it's because of breed specific legislation and the fear mongering and disinformation promoted via their media outlets on Facebook, Twitter, Google etc etc...

Luckily the truth emerges and in recent times legislators have implemented anti bsl legislation and many municipalities have repealed existing breed specific legislation on mass....

Opposition to laws banning dogs by breed grows « ABA ...

All the facts are overwhelmingly in support of breed neutral laws and the sooner these breed specific proponents admit breed specific legislation doesn't work and get on board with BNL (breed Neutral Legislation) the sooner we can have a chance at lowering all dog bite relate fatalities and not just those involving pit bulls?

more to come.....

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