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Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Jeff Borchardt is wasting Daxton's Freinds donations

Is it any wonder that Daxton's Friends has little to no support 1,509 "likes" out of a world wide audience of millions three years after being published with posts like this one below it's confusing for a number of reasons.

Firstly how does this help victims or educate the public, what is the message +Jeff Borchardt is trying to send when posting this post?, is it a get square because of the first news story claiming the dog was a hero for defending it's owner?

It's confusing because now that the owner (victim the dog was defending) is alleged to have committed arson at that same address the day before this incident and even though she's only been charged and is yet to have her day in court these people are labeling her a criminal.

Considering it's her own home there has to be some deep under laying issues for this poor woman and these sheople really couldn't care less it's a suddenly a good news story for the pit bull hate brigade.

In one breathe they say it has nothing to do with the owner it's the breed, "it's in their genes" which is half right "aggression" is "genetic" but aggression is not exclusive to any particular breed otherwise all deaths would involve that breed which clearly is not the case and then they post like this one blaming the owners.

So which is it Jeff?

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Daxton's Friends for Canine Education & Awareness I'm going to take a page out of the pit bull apologist's playbook....

"Yeah, but what is the REST of the story?"
LikeReply418 hrs
Heidi Schold Actually I read something on this... I hear the house actually provoked the arsonist by being built of wood products....
LikeReply219 hrs
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Aaron Wood correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't this the same pit that the Fire Dept had to hose down with high pressure hoses, so the paramedics could actually get her out of there? I remember reading that the pit attacked the paramedics
LikeReply316 hrs
James Hassinger Pit bull owner commits crimes? No big surprise. Cities have seen the crime rate drop 50% simply by banning pit bulls
LikeReply319 hrs
Heidi Schold that kinda made me giggle
LikeReply219 hrs
LikeReply119 hrs

320 people out of a possible audience 317,000 in America alone after three years of active advocacy would tend to indicate you are doing something wrong, what about the millions around the world 320 is hardly a majority and to brag about being part of the majority is a bold faced lie!

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Now I'm not sure if this woman did or didn't start the fire but either way she's a victim too no doubt but either way I can't see what it has to do with her dog?

DOG FIGHTING It is important to address exactly what is dog fighting and its role in history since it is referenced frequently when discussing canine related issues. Daxton’s Friends for Canine Edu…
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Charlotte Michelle Province Awe! Lookie dem wittle nanny doggies!
LikeReply115 hrs

Friends for Canine Education & Awareness


Launched on January 21, 2014

Striving to serve as a resource for the canine community, Daxton’s Friends attempts to provide the most current and updated information available.

The goal of Daxton's Friends is to serve as a resource for healthy canine pet ownership, and advocate for public safety and animal welfare.

I'm not real sure of the educational role/value of this post other then reinforce his own myths considering dog fighting has been criminalized since the 19th century in the United States of America.

Apart from the questionable posts, the advising people to anti freeze neighborhood pets if they look like pit bulls & the whole peanut butter and the 12 year old girl affair I really have to question the motives of an individual that uses donations meant for victims and uses them for what seems to be self gain?

Terry Holt
Published by Terry Holt
3 mins
Pssst!!! pssst! that's not a pit bull! pmsl!!

Jeff just for the record that's an American Bully not a pit bull and how do roadside billboards featuring a picture of an American Bully but warning people about "Pit Bulls" actually help and/or educate toward the prevention of more victims?

Terry Holt
Published by Terry HoltJust now
How does this educate anyone considering that's an American Bully and not an American Pit Bull Terrier?

Bus shelters too and add that to the newspaper ads it seems a waste of donations considering the victim demographics which indicate the majority of victims are the young and the old, wouldn't it make more sense to try and create or become involved with an organization that actually educates children to try and avoid victims in the first place?

The reason this Facebook page has only 1,519 likes after nearly 2 years of operation is apparent when you visit the page the owner seems to be more focused on killing pit bulls then actually being part of the solution when to comes to dog bite fatalities in America.

Anyone who supports breed specific legislation in essence ignores the seventeen victims of non banned breeds per year would you Bsl advocates care to explain your reasoning to their grieving families and friends?? 

more to come.....

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