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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Pit Bull Haters Bashing/Stalking Victims

BSL advocates up in the Shoo group are losing their ever loving minds. Paranoia is running rampant and its busting out at the seams! It’s gotten SO bad that those proclaiming their status as “victims advocates” are ATTACKING actual victims of pit bull attacks.
Mind you- I’ve never spoken two words to this woman named Madaleine but I have heard her story and seen the pictures of her attack from the super secret SHOO Nutters group where Jeff & Kim Borchardt squirrel away with the top foamers (Susie Iwiki, Jenni Sue, Christy Cornell, Baker and the rest of the crew of morons) sit around and complain how mean everyone is to them with the gates of the super secret Foamer club guarded (obviously poorly since… Well..) by our favorite bartender William Johnson.
Madaliene Kempinski is a victim of a horrible dog attack by a pit mix. Madaliene was a vet tech with ATLEAST 16 years in that field. The hospital that was boarding the dog never mentioned how aggressive it was and she payed the price.
Normally I wouldn’t share these images but I think it’s important to see these injuries because for the last few days, I have seen these so called “victims advocates” call these injuries fake. Honestly it was HILARIOUS watching them toss back the idea that A.) This woman is actually me, B.) This woman somehow faked these injuries ( like how? Used a sharpie and drew them on?).
I honestly feel bad for this woman. She doesn’t even know who I am and the people using her attack to further their hate filled agenda are the ones victimizing her over & over again. Not that I’m surprised, what they’ve done to Sue Palen, another victim of these “victims advocacy” who dared to stay true to her beliefs. I hope Jenni Sue is bombarding this woman with nasty text messages too.
I mean, do they understand that they say the majority of their stupid sh@t on public pages? Do they realize that they continuously stab each other in the back? I can’t even count the screen shots I get from their “friends” who get mad at something stupid one of them have said. Seriously, they would be shocked that some of their “supreme” leaders are GREAT sources for tid bits. I suppose they follows the “Keep your friends close and your enemies close” motto, which is fine with me. Either way, it just shows how broken their internal system is and highlights the continuous disgruntled splintering of their group. The whole throwing the anti vaxxer BSL advocates under the bus is a great example. All because they spoke out against their supreme leader.
Madaleine went “wrong” by not jumping on the extremist band wagon. She wasn’t the first- if I remember, didn’t Susie Iwiki have some lawyer cousin they attacked also? Pretty sure they threatened to harass that family- wouldn’t be a far stretch since Jeff Borchardt has harassed those that speak out against him at their jobs.
When BSL advocates cry about the friends they’ve lost due to their extreme hate- they are not lying. From sisters (right, Freda?) to family members BSL advocates leave a wide path of angry people sick of their bull shit.
Way to go Jeff & the fellow morons… Keep attacking the real victims. You really should be more worried about the people you call “friends” cuz jealousy is a ugly little monster and it makes your “friends” do crazy things.

It begins

Brooksville – Little Declin Moss loved to play outdoors. At just 18-months-old, he frolicked around the yard and enjoyed being outside in his rural Brooksville neighborhood. The toddler’s grandfather ran outside and witnessed a horrifying sight around 11 a.m. – two snarling, barking dogs mauling his grandson.
Shorey admits that while the dogs never hurt any children or adults, the pets were dangerous to other animals. In fact, he told News Channel 8 that Max and Thumper have killed smaller dogs in the past.” Read the heart breaking story here-
This woman lost her child. What has this woman done to earn the victim bashing from and Daxton’s Friend supporters and BSL advocates? She didn’t say that multiple breeds of dogs are mutant spawns from hell. This is one of my biggest issues with these fake victims advocacies. They select “victims” that will only further their agenda and terrorize the victims that does not play their twisted game of manipulation.
This woman has lost her child and now she has to deal with the judgmental hypocrites from and make no mistake- they are stalking her Facebook as we speak.
Not only will this woman’s life be ripped apart even further by the harassment and abuse from DBO & Daxton’s Friends supporters- her friends and family will be attacked also. Sadly, the attacks have begun and leading the way is Colleen Lynn, the founder and writer for
After reading the open invitation from Colleen Lynn – BSL advocates waste no time slinging mud towards the grieving mother.
How would the family be horrible? According to the media – this single mother worked hard and cherished her son. No where in the media does it state the Grandfather treated his grandson terribly. So- please do tell how this grieving family was terrible?
No- it doesn’t make sense, you twit.
This mother didn’t defend the two dogs that killed her child. Somehow- in her grief she decided that the two innocent dog out of the four that they had should not be held responsible for the actions of two dogs. That millions of dogs did not kill her child. Two did. I would have to say that mother loves that child so much that she refuses to let hate groups like and Daxton’s Friends use her tragedy to further their cause.
If you stick around long enough- the truth gets spoken. They don’t truly care about the family. It’s about what can that grieving family do for THEM.
Victim bashing…
Oh wait- isn’t this what Jeff Borchardt whines about?
So sorry for your loss but…
So now the grieving mother has a mental disorder? Unfortunately we know the barrage of harassment and cruel remarks has just begun. Instead of letting this family grieve, to come to the terms of a horrific loss they want to keep attacking this family.
I don’t care what the breed is- but any dog attacking and killing a family member feels like a sense of betrayal and the family grieves not just for the child but for the pet that they have grown up with- the very same pet that they formed a bond with. I totally get that BSL advocates can’t understand this because the majority of them have zero sense of healthy relationships and are consumed with so much hate that they can’t react with anything BUT hate. I apologize for them because I know they will never be capable to apologize for their own cruelty.
Dear Moss Family,
My heart breaks for you. As a mother to an almost two year old- I can not imagine the unbearable pain you must be in.
I want to be the first the apologize for the assholes that are heading your way. I’m sorry that these cruel people will rip apart your lives with the sole intent on humiliating you – all in the name of their advocacy of BSL. I wish I could say that they would stop but I won’t lie to you.
My hope for you is that you find strength in your family, your God, your friends, in strangers who grieve with you but most of all- in the love of your son. I hope that you are allowed to grieve without having to battle morons that want to use your tragedy and grief as a weapon. I hope that one day, you have the ability to heal in a healthy way.
I know as mother, the guilt we carry when something happens to our children is heavy but from one mother to another- I can say: let go of the guilt and focus on memories. Focus on his laughter, his excitement when his favorite show comes on, the warmth of him as he falls asleep on you- because it’s those memories that will always be with you throughout your life.
From one mother to another- grieve for the beautiful life lost but celebrate the life that showed you what true, unconditional love really was.
My sympathy-
The Stojakovic Family

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